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The Biographies of the ARA
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Valeria Ren - Biography
Dossier File:
Valeria Ren got a late start her career after a troubled childhood. The daughter of racing legend, Maximillian Fairchild, she witnessed her father's death during the 2199 Caelum Run live on television. Afterwards, the Fairchild family became rather reclusive until Valeria entered racing herself in 2211, skipping the Juvenile Circuit due to her age. Her early career is marred by self-destructive behavior and alcoholism. Fans of her legendary father had mixed opinions about her until she took a husband in 2216, marrying her Pit Chief, Oliver Ren. This had a positive influence on her, stabilizing her career performance, as well as helping her kick her alcoholism. With such a dramatic course correction, Valeria is now one of the most well respected drivers in the Association, much like her father was before her. It's widely believed that she may one day surpass him.
Expanded Background:
Born in 2191 to Brea and Maximillian Fairchild, Valeria has one sister, her identical twin Valerie. Valerie was born first, and their mother had already chosen the name Valerie with the expectation that her husband would choose a different name for their second child. Instead, Maximillian chose the name Valeria after routine blood tests confirmed that the two were identical twins. He just swapped out the second 'e' in Valerie for an 'a', much to the chagrin of his wife. "They sound different enough." He's recorded as saying to a reporter later that same year.
Not much is known about Brea Fairchild from before her marriage to Maximillian, her life being overshadowed by the success of her husband. Maximillian, having started racing in the Accelerated Racing Association in 2185 at the age of 18, climbed the ranks of stardom and quickly became a fan-favorite to many. A highly skilled driver and a very charismatic speaker, Maximillian rapidly caught the eyes and ears of the Association. It's been rumored he was offered contract deals multiple times to sign on with the Association as one of their Official Reps, but he clearly refused all of them.
It should also be noted that of all the drivers who have participated in the Caelum Run, the ARA's most dangerous race, Maximillian Fairchild is one of the very select few who have raced in it more than once. He participated in Caelums II (2190AD), IV (2196AD), & V (2199AD). He did qualify for Caelum III, but he skipped it due to the birth of his daughters.
Then on December 6th, at 2:13PM Lunar Time, Maximillian Fairchild died having just crossed the finish line at Caelum V. He took 2nd place.
Valeria and her sister were 8 years old when they watched their father die on the television, their parents only having recently decided that they were old enough to sit and watch the often dangerous races that their daddy raced in. Their mother tried to cover both of their eyes as their father's bike, the Cheshire Crown, was engulfed in fire as emergency crews tried to extinguish the flames and remove its driver. Valeria was seated too far away from her mother, and saw the whole thing while her sister was spared the worst of it by her mother's hand.
Despite being identical twins, the two women did not walk similar paths. Valerie would later enter into the teaching profession and live a very modest lifestyle, eventually taking a husband working in the same profession. For every bit of modesty and normalcy Valerie exhibited, her sister Valeria was the polar opposite. Of the two, Valeria was traumatized the most by their father's death, being able to recount the moment she watched him die in exacting detail to therapists even years after the event had come and gone. Valeria's life was one of turmoil and turbulence. After high school she remained a dependent of her mother's, unable to maintain any effort at higher education or find gainful employment.
After repeated conflict with her mother, Valeria would leave home at 19, and fall into self-destructive patterns of alcoholism, one-night stands, and drug use. At the age of 20, being of legal age, she went behind her mother's back and withdrew a considerable sum of the money left to her after her father's death, money that had been intended for university and other worthwhile pursuits. She used this money to buy a cheap bike, and being able to prove that she was the daughter of Maximillian Fairchild, she was able to talk her way into qualifying for the 1st Circuit in the ARA's 2211 Season. News of her racing exploded across the net, and it is reported that she was disowned by her family as a result, although that was only a rumor at the time and it appeared that she and her sister still maintained a relationship, if a bit strained.
Her first three races were marred by abysmal performance, likely due to her consistently maintaining a blood alcohol level. Rick Tulane, the Pit Chief and Manager for her father, who had retired from racing after Maximillian's death, reached out to Valeria after seeing her in the races. Efforts to talk her out of racing failed, and out of loyalty to the man he'd helped to manage years prior, started working for Valeria as both Pit Chief and Manager same as he had her father. Under his leadership, her alcohol consumption was curbed enough to keep her sober while driving, and with his expertise, her race performance began to improve. With Valeria now racing with passable talent, Rick was able to pull together a better team and better mechanics, and find small sponsorship deals to help her buy a better bike.
Valeria's years of racing as a Fairchild are considered to be her worst. Despite her continued improvements on the track, her personal life was still in shambles until 2214 where Rick Tulane finally had enough, and quit. He went back into retirement, saying publicly that he "did not want to be there to watch anyone else burn to death in their bike". Whatever concern for her safety he might have had, it is widely believed that her behavior outside of the races is what drove him to quit, as her mood swings, alcoholism, and self-destructive behaviors were having a costly toll on her, her team, and their finances. She would gain a sponsorship deal only to later lose it after video clips would emerge of her acting out in public. Public intoxication was commonplace, her being high, and clips and photos of her ripping her top off were all over the tabloids. She was the plumpest of ripe cherries for the paparazzi.
After Rick's retirement, a young man named Oliver Ren took over as her Pit Chief and Manager. Oliver Ren was not a long-time veteran of the ARA, and was only a few years older than Valeria. It's rumored that he had been a fan of Maximillian Fairchild when he was a boy, having watched many of his races growing up. One could surmise that this might be why he went to work for Rick Tulane, knowing he'd get to be a team member for Valeria, the closest thing to Maximillian Fairchild as he could get.
2215's racing Season was terrible for Valeria, her performance falling off hard as she began to lose races and trail in the leaderboards. She lost all but one of her sponsorships, and it was widely believed that she might wash out and retire from racing after she failed to qualify for the 4th Circuit on that year's Season. The following January she made her qualifications for the 1st Circuit in the 2216 Season and began racing again with her performance rising back to where it had been in 2214. Several strange things were noticed with her career that year, namely being that she was seen in public much less often, and it was a struggle to catch any sign of her worst impulses being put on display. She raced all the way through the 2216 Season, qualifying for the 7th Circuit, failing to reach the 8th. It is worth noting that this is the first time she'd reached the 7th Circuit in any Season with fans and pundits alike sharing their theories about the dramatic shift in her racing performance.
In January of the following year Valeria met her qualifications for the 1st Circuit of the 2217 Season and began racing as Valeria Ren, it later being revealed that she had married her Pit Chief sometime the year prior. She would later announce her first pregnancy that same year and end her racing season early in the 5th Circuit due to her pregnancy, but only after having qualified for the 6th Circuit. Every year after that, now fully racing and acting in public as Valeria Ren, was an improvement over the previous. The majority of the fame and admiration she has earned in her time as a professional driver in the ARA is recent history.
Her days racing as a Fairchild were marred with dysfunction and intoxication, but as a Ren she has developed herself into a polished driver with what appears to be a new outlook on life. Comparing her past and present career is like looking at two different people.
The change in her public persona and her racing performance was so considerable that Valeria Ren, alongside the CEO of Saturn Orbit, Brandon Chaucer, announced a new sponsorship deal. Saturn Orbital, the energy company mostly known for its gas farms on Saturn, had been a longtime sponsor of Maximillian Fairchild, having also built him a custom bike to drive in his races. With their new deal with Valeria, she too would receive a custom bike, modeled after the Cheshire Crown her father drove. Custom tailored to her own style of racing, this new bike, the Noblisse Oblige with its now iconic profile, became her signature machine.
In 2219 she participated in her first race on Ganymede, and took 1st place. She would later take 1st in two additional races on Ganymede before leaving to race on Titan. Her three races on Ganymede qualified her for 2219's 8th Circuit, her first time ever doing so. It was here that she was interviewed by Victoria Violet, a long-time veteran of the ARA News circle, inside the space port shortly before Valeria's scheduled departure. The interview in and of itself was not a particularly special one. They briefly covered Valeria's opinions on Ganymede, the three races she'd participated in, and what her expectations were for the 8th Circuit now that she was finally going to experience it in person. It was a single comment by Ms. Violet that turned this run-of-the-mill interview into one worth remembering, because she decided to mention at the close of the interview to tell Valeria that she'd once had the pleasure of interviewing Maximillian Fairchild years prior, and that Valeria reminded her a lot of him. After a pause, Valeria broke down into tears, offering a tearful thank you.
Financial Details:
Photo OpValeria Ren, like most drivers in the ARA, is not self-funded. Despite her late father's notable wealth, much of it is still in possession of her mother who is on the record as being opposed to her daughter's decision to begin a career in racing. Without an inheritance, Valeria relies primarily on funding from a collection of sponsors, most notably Saturn Orbital, Titan Synthetics, and to a lesser degree X-Grift. Merchandising makes up another small portion of her funding, primarily in the form the popular line of children's toys ARA-Toys! Diecast replicas of the Noblisse Oblige are popular, as well as her action figure. She is also known for taking payment for public endorsements of products, usually ones she herself uses. Her most common endorsements are for beauty products, products for children or child care, and CockMilk beer (A product of X-Grift).
Earlier in her career she made money doing photoshoots and centerfolds, relying heavily on her sex appeal to draw in funding. Since taking a husband, her career as a model has mostly dried up, but she can still be found in the occasional pinup calendar for her birth month of July, usually wearing her iconic gray and red jumpsuit.
Her total earnings from her race winnings can be speculated over, but the Accelerated Racing Association makes such information very difficult to come by. It is believed that her race winnings are considerable, considering her present day record of consistently coming in the Top 3 for most of her races. Even so, race earnings alone are typically insufficient to fund a career in racing, especially when you take into consideration just how much traveling and racing Valeria Ren does within a single Season.
Notes from an Archival Photo, circa 2212AD
Glamour ShotThis photo was taken as a part of an advertising campaign organized by novelty manufacturer, X-Grift, for their brand of novelty beer, CockMilk. Valeria Ren (still Fairchild at the time of this photoshoot) was brought in as a model to pose seductively alongside X-Grift's product. Photoshoots this racy are something of a rarity now for Valeria Ren, as she has 'calmed down' significantly since her marriage to Oliver Ren, her current Chief Technician.
CockMilk beer is largely considered to be a trashy, low quality, "cheap beer", but even to this day it still maintains a small but intractable foothold in the alcohol market due to X-Grift's continued sponsorship of Valeria Ren. It is considered tradition among some of her most ardent fans to chug a CockMilk beer every time she comes in the Top 3 of a race. A calendar of Valeria's racing schedule, and a graph of every spike in sales for CockMilk, can be overlaid on top of each other very neatly.
Glamour Shot
Formal AttireEver since she turned her career around for the better, Valeria Ren has been known more as a positive role model for young women, which is a far cry from what she used to be known for. Mrs. Ren has yet to take up the hobby of speaking at schools to warn young people away from drugs and alcohol, but she has been mindful of her public appearances.
When found in public, Mrs. Ren is typically dressed in stylish, but modest, attire, and when she's seen at one of her races she is of course wearing her iconic jumpsuit. Her jumpsuit is form fitting, and does nothing to obscure her womanly figure, but she maintains a highly professional attitude and demeanor when she's dressed in the suit.
The only time the paparazzi get their pound of flesh is whenever Mrs. Ren attends a social function where formal attire is required or expected. Her and her husband both will be nicely dressed for the occasion, and Mrs. Ren's choice of attire at these functions is as close as the modern world will get to the Valeria Fairchild of old. She is typically seen wearing a custom made cocktail dress that comes in either solid black or in her iconic team colors of white, grey, and red. The dress is cut fairly short, and the neck dips very low to expose a large amount of her cleavage.
In 2221, ARA-Toys! released a limited edition PVC figurine of Valeria Ren wearing a dress similar to the one she is often found to wear at socials. Despite the popularity of the figure (it sold out within the first few minutes of its online launch), it was criticized heavily for lowering the hem of her dress further down her thighs than it would it real life, the 'boob window' was shrunk considerably, and when viewed from below there was no noticeable detail given to the crotch of the figurine. Mrs. Ren did not respond to any requests for comments regarding the modesty of her figurine.
Lundi Quotte - Biography
Dossier File:
Starting her career in racing at the age of 18, Lundi quickly proved her talent. Getting her start in the North American Division she was initially ignored by racing fans until she made a startling upset at Daytona Beach by taking 1st Place, and the spotlight, from then fan-favorite Jin Nguyen. Born and raised as a Katy, Texas local, she became a Florida transplant, living with her grandmother, after the unfortunate death of her parents. Lundi has grown in popularity over the years due to both her consistent performance in the Circuit, but also because of her lower class background. She comes off as an authentic underdog who doesn't need any PR to convince the fans at home that she's the real deal. With her track record being as a stellar as it is, many in the Association believe that it's only a matter of time before she makes an attempt at the Caelum Run.
Expanded Background:
Born in 2197, Lundi Quotte got her first taste of racing in Katy, Texas. The racing scene in North America had long been a solid staple of life, be it is motorcross, NASCAR, or otherwise. With the introduction of a new age of motorcycle racing via The Moto League, it was only a matter of time before a young Lundi would watch her first race and become fixated on the thrill and danger.
Her early career was in the juvenile circuit, though her track record was spotty due to her turbulent home life. Her parents both died in a rail accident that claimed the lives of hundreds of other people, tossing Lundi about emotionally and physically for years. She moved from Katy, Texas (her hometown) to Florida, taking up residence with her maternal grandmother. By Lundi's own admission, her grandmother was not as supportive of her racing career as her parents had been, but despite this Lundi did continue to race in the juvenile circuit until the age cut off of 18. During her final year of the juvie circuit, Lundi approached several ARA recruiters until she at last found a taker, and when she turned 18 she applied to race in the Pro Circuit, and qualified.
Like many young racers who fail to come from prosperous backgrounds, Lundi raced as a member of a team of drivers. The North American League of Associated Drivers was her home for the first three years of her career, from 2215 to 2217. She's said in several interviews that she's grateful for NALAD giving her a chance to race, but that once she hit Silver Rank, she needed to set off on her own and race on her own. This wasn't a challenge as at the time she was one of NALAD's top drivers. Of the 657 drivers NALAD had at the time racing under their banner, Lundi was in the top 50, which placed her right alongside many of NALAD's veteran drivers. For a 20 year old driver this is impressive, as NALAD is the second largest racing league on Earth.
Lundi's performance as a solo driver continued solidly, with her starting off with a very small team of professional mechanics and a modest bike from Sollan Verti. She maintained her rank of Silver throughout the majority of her career and managed to secure additional sponsorships that have been rocksteady with her all the way to present day. Over the course of her career, she's not driven four different bikes, first using a Dwight & Bright Industries bike while with NALAD, and then switching to Sollan Verti where she used two different chassis. In the present day she is driving her Gemini Vale, a brand-new model of bike from Lunar Technical, LLC. It's reported that she's said privately she "has no intentions of retiring the Gemini Vale unless Lunar Technically thinks up a way to make her even better".
In 2221 tragedy again strikes Lundi, with the passing of her grandmother from heart disease. It is believed that her grandmother was aware of her worsening health but hid that from her granddaughter. In the wake of her death, Lundi suffered a brief hiccup in her racing performance, and opted to end her season early to work on her mental health. She returned to racing the following year and was back to her prior, stellar performance. In fact, her performance was so solid that she was able to climb out of her Silver Rank and into Gold, which is where she has remained until present day.
Photo Op
Photo OpLundi Quotte was approached by the Association for a small photoshoot that would run alongside an interview which she would do after this photograph was taken. Having just recently qualified for the 6th Circuit in the year this was taken, Lundi was riding high on a spree of photo ops and interviews that helped to cement her position as an up and coming starlet in the racing world.
Nyx Mortar - Biography
Dossier File:
Nyx Mortar is currently the oldest driver still racing in the Professional Circuit! His racing career is one of the most stunning reads a racing fan can dive into. He got his start in 2205 and not only earned his place in people's hearts, but also on the roster for the Caelum Run Four Separate Times! This is an unheard of feat that no other driver has managed to accomplish, including the famed Maximillian Fairchild who died during his forth attempt at the deadly race. Nyx's private life has long been a mystery with the driver being an elusive man to find whenever he's not practicing on the track with his crew or participating in a race. Coming from a modest, working class background, Nyx is generally a friendly, if a bit aloof, man on camera. With very few living relatives, Nyx is the sort of driver that remains a mystery to even his biggest fans!
Expanded Background:
Nyx Mortar was born on Titan as the second of three children, in the year 2181. His family was of the working class, with the majority of his kin working in Titan’s energy sector to help produce electrical power for its growing network of cities. The majority of his early history is poorly recorded, and Nyx Mortar himself has seldom spoken much of his childhood. The majority of our understanding of his life comes from his career as a driver in the Accelerated Racing Association.
It is known, however, that the majority of his family is deceased. Publicly available records and obituaries on Titan reveal a tragic history for a man plagued by death. His two siblings are both deceased, both having died young from cancer. His father died in his middle years from an accident at the New Alexandria City power plant, and his mother would later die from cancer herself.
Titan, despite its large and growing population, has long been tortured by the effects of cancer, often to a much higher degree than the other Solar Exterior colonies. Cancer is still the number one cause of death for the citizens of Titan, and it seems that a large number of Nyx Mortar’s family have been victimized by it, as well.
Public employment records reveal that Mr. Mortar worked in the same power plant that killed his father until the age of 23. Nyx Mortar would later begin racing, at the age of 24, in 2205. This is a very curiously old age to begin racing, as most drivers in the ARA tend to start in the Juvenile Circuit at age 14 or the Pro Circuit at the age of 18.
The Association’s first awareness of Nyx Mortar was in 2202 when he began to petition for entry into Titan’s second largest racing league, the Titan Fellowship of Racing. After repeated petitions he was allowed to try out with the TFR, and he was approved for a trial run in the 2205 Season.
His first year’s performance was barely passable, but he was diligent and applied his working-class work ethic to his driving. The Fellowship of Racing does not make all their records publicly available, but it is understood that Mr. Mortar spent the maximum amount of time possible driving, both in Sanctioned Races as well as in practice.
With each passing year his performance improved, and his work ethic would eventually reward him with the prestige of qualifying to race in 2211’s Caelum Run, Caelum IX. In this race he would only come in 10th Place, but the achievement of having reached so high in the short time of his career was markedly impressive. At this time, he was driving a stock model GAW Motors chassis, named the Diecast Coffin. He was known for his calm demeanor, his predictable driving habits, and having a higher-than-average rate of crashing out of a race.
After participating in his first Caelum Run, he spent the next few years doing the same routine. He would put his nose to the grindstone and race the maximum number of races he could fit into a Season and then would qualify for the next Caelum Run. His performance in every race was solid enough to guarantee that outcome, even with him regularly crashing. His strategy appeared to be to give every race his all, even if it killed him. His personal finances cannot be deeply looked into, but it’s widely believed a sizeable percentage of his income was being spent on the maintenance and repair of his often-damaged bike.
In 2213, Nyx Mortar would announce a partnership with Martian Heavy Industries. Having accepted MHI as a sponsor, Nyx would start driving a custom-made bike the following year, called the Roaring Rampart. This bike, manufactured by Martian Heavy Industries, was similar to his previous GAW Motors chassis, but with a greater emphasis on durability, considering how often Nyx would crash. This would be the only bike ever produced by Martian Heavy Industries, as they are primarily an arms manufacturer for the Martian Federation.
He would later be chosen by the Selection Committee to drive in Caelum’s X, XI, and XII. He is the only driver in the Association to have participated so often in the Caelum Run, let alone consecutively. Accusations of favoritism have been slung towards the Selection Committee, but no one can deny that Nyx Mortar’s performance rightfully put him there on the roster.
This period of his career was as an ascendant star, continuously qualifying for one Caelum Run after another, and climbing higher and higher in the placements in each one. From claimed 10th Place in Caelum IX, he would place 7th in Caelum X, 6th in Caelum XI, and then 4th in Caelum XII. His fame and popularity only continued to grow, and his crash rate began to drop off as his new bike carried him to repeated victory.
In 2221 Nyx Mortar would turn 40, making him one of the oldest drivers still active in the Association at that time. Being a long-time veteran of racing, Nyx is held in high regard by most of his peers and everyone believes that when Caelum Run XIII arrives, he will not only qualify but also participate. The people are already placing their bets on if he will climb his way into 1st Place.
When asked directly what his goals are in the ARA, Mr. Mortar’s typical reply is that he wants to get to the end. When asked what he means by that, reporters are met with a smile, and are told that he just wants to retire when there’s nothing left for him to do.
Thak Jypsun - Biography
Dossier File:
With 18 charges of gambling manipulation, 9 allegations of track tampering, 3 accusations of felony bribery, 1 conviction of mechanical sabotage & attempted murder of a fellow driver, and then having served 1 year in a Martian prison camp, Thak Jypsun is the Association's premier crooked son of a bitch. His reputation stinks so foul that every race he's in comes with the added baggage of enhanced race scrutiny to verify that nothing illegal was being pulled by either Thak or anyone in his entourage. After his release from prison in 2219 he now claims to be a reformed man, wearing the label of 'born-again Christian' and vowing to race clean 'from now on.' Seemingly to prove his legitimacy, he's since taken a wife and has been spotted attending church. However, with a crooked smile like his no one actually believes he's anything but a bastard.
Expanded Background:
Thak Jypsun, born on Ganymede in 2190, was the only child to Reginald and Faye Jypsun. According to public records, Thak was a gifted child whose teachers regularly reported was very bright but often bored and disruptive in his classes. He was repeatedly reprimanded for vandalizing school facilities, cheating despite an apparent lack of needing to, and starting fights with other students. He was evaluated six different times by doctors and psychologists to determine the cause of his behavior. His medical record is sealed on the matter and their findings are unknown.
He graduated through his schooling and took his first job at the age of sixteen with the Newton City Public Water System, finding sponsorship and a mentor through Ganymede’s Public Work Initiative (PWI). He worked for the Public Water System from 2206 until 2207, when he was discharged from his employer for assaulting another colleague. He would serve 1 year in Ganymede’s Rehabilitation Program, performing community service for the City of Newton. In 2209 he found another sponsorship through the PWI and began working for Newton City’s Waste Disposal Service. Despite his record looking spotless for that year of work, he was again discharged. His spotless record, according to the Waste Disposal Service, was tampered with and a minimum of thirteen write-ups and warnings had been deleted from his personnel file and were non-recoverable.
Mr. Jypsun would spend another year doing community service in the Rehab Program, after which he moved on to work at the Newton City Racing League. He found employment as a custodian and helped maintain the facilities that the NCRL used for their fleet of 13 bikes. The NCRL was the smallest of Ganymede’s racing leagues. This did not last for very long, as he would again find himself performing community service with the Rehabilitation Program.
He served 6 months after being caught drugging a driver for the NCRL, and taking his place in a race held at the Nell Falla track just outside of Newton City. Thak is on camera sneaking into driver Eddie Riks’ bunk and tampering with a canteen of water that Eddie was known to drink from regularly. Eddie Riks, being a python snake of similar height and weight to Thak, was no doubt chosen for his close physical similarity to Mr. Jypsun. Footage exists of Mr. Jypsun, wearing Mr. Riks’ jumpsuit and helmet, using silent body language to fool crewmembers and entering Mr. Riks’ bike, which he then proceeded to drive in the race.
Out of 18 places, Thak’s inexperience netted him 16th place. Afterwards, in his exuberance, he removed his helmet and cheered upon exiting the bike, where he was then immediately tackled and arrested. This was in 2211 and formally marks the beginning of his career as the Accelerated Racing Association’s most infamous driver.
The 6 months he served for drugging a person and stealing their bike to drive in a race was widely considered to be disgustingly light of a sentence. Typically, crimes of this nature would warrant several years of community service in the Rehab Program, but for repeat offenders like Mr. Jypsun the death penalty is often used instead as a deterrent to others. His original sentence had been for 3 years but was commuted after only half a year. He was then denaturalized as a citizen of Ganymede and deported off-world. It is widely believed that some sort of legal malfeasance or bribery was responsible for the limp nature of Thak’s sentence.
Regardless of the cause, the result was Thak Jypsun becoming a migrant who would move himself to Titan, being denied shelter by both Callisto and Jupe C, effectively barring him completely from living within The Jupiter Confederation. On Titan, he would quickly find work, but only under heavy scrutiny by Titanese authorities, at their own Public Water System. While he was working for the PWS, Mr. Jypsun kept his nose very clean as far as any public records check can tell. Outside of work; however, he was moonlighting his way back into racing with great intensity. He petitioned every racing league on Titan, and was rejected by all of them.
Then, in 2213, he suddenly had paperwork inked and signed, proving that he was officially qualified to race in that year’s racing Season. He even had a bike, officially named “Junkheap” in the ARA database, which was an old Janis Inc. model he’d reportedly purchased used from a salvage yard. Despite having come to Titan with little to nothing to his name, and working in the Public Water System, he somehow found the finances to bankroll an entry into the 2213 Season. The ARA’s Department of Records has openly admitted that there was nothing wrong or suspicious with Thak Jypsun’s application, and that all requirements for qualification were met. The ARA, as a policy, avoids allegations of bias or favoritism by strictly accepting any application provided that the applicant meets all the requirements.
But no one really knows how Thak got the money to do it, but everyone knows how he got the money. They just can’t prove anything.
His pit crew consisted of himself and two other men, and according to eyewitness reports Thak was repeatedly seen working on his own bike in between races to save on the cost of hiring a professional mechanic. On the track he drove with ruthless determination, and with every race he became increasingly more hostile to other drivers. His aggression on the track was directly proportional to his experience, and he quickly acquired a reputation as being a driver to avoid at all costs. His first race ended with him in 16th out of 18 places, but his race averages on Titan were rising until he was consistently in the middle of the pack in every race, despite driving a junkheap.
He would then officially quit working for the Public Water System and devote himself fully to racing. His race winnings were meager, and yet he somehow never ran out of finances. Today, everyone thinks they know how he did it, they just can’t prove anything. Mr. Jypsun is on record saying that: “smart men make the world turn”. The listener is free to interpret that as they will.
In 2015 he would purchase his first proper bike from Mortis Freni Industries, naming it The Valiant. Markedly different from his first bike, his first Season driving the Valiant was marred by growing pains. He would improve with the next Season, later modifying his chassis heavily and submitting an application to have the name changed in the database from The Valiant to Valiant 02. Still the same bike as before, but with legal modifications to its frame and engine, the bike’s performance moderately improving and with it Mr. Jypsun’s placing in every race.
His behavior between 2213 and 2218, only 5 years, is what made the man a legend in the ARA for his cunning and duplicity. He was repeatedly caught manipulating and rigging betting odds, cheating at gambling tables, and the list of allegations for tampering with the bikes of rival drivers is longer than most hardened criminal’s rap sheets. These charges and allegations frequently go nowhere, as Thak displayed an impeccable ability to not only procure a good lawyer, but his paper trail of crimes was always too full of holes to pin down by the courts. Accusations of evidence tampering always float around Mr. Jypsun’s history, bribery and blackmail are always assumed, but whenever a bold reporter demands answers from Mr. Jypsun, he quickly replies: “Have you ever considered that maybe I’m just really good at getting what I want?”
But it is in 2218, early in the year’s 3rd Circuit, that Mr. Jypsun would finally reach the limit of his good fortune. During a race at the Sweet Perfection track on Mars, in the middle of the third and final lap, an explosion occurred in the rear wheel well of Marcus Brando’s bike. Despite the damage, the wheel was not destroyed, but a portion of the outer hull was blown loose. Mr. Brando would complete his race and come in 2nd place with Thak Jypsun finishing in 4th far behind him.
The piece of hull that was recovered from the track underwent a forensic analysis, along with the rest of Mr. Brando’s bike. The results concluded that a crude explosive had been affixed to the inside wall of the wheel well and then detonated mid-race, although no evidence of a detonator was found. Suspicion was immediately placed on Thak Jypsun, and with the crime having occurred on Mars, justice moved swiftly. After a quick trial, Mr. Jypsun would be found guilty of several charges, the greatest of which was the attempted murder of rival Marcus Brando.
Mr. Jypsun denied the allegations against him fervently from the start, with his lawyers arguing passionately that the existence of an explosive alone did not conclude that Mr. Jypsun was the perpetrator, citing also that the absence of any sort of detonator brought into question the purpose of the explosive if there was no provable means of setting off the device. Further, passionate argument was made that there was no evidence that an explosive had been smuggled into Sweet Perfection’s bike garage by or for Mr. Jypsun, and his lawyer also cited a lack of evidence that his client, or any of his associates, had ever approached Marcus Brando, his crew, or his bike in the days leading up to the race.
Despite this, the counter claim presented by Mr. Brando’s lawyer was the overwhelming history that preceded Mr. Jypsun. Marcus Brando, a Martian native, easily found himself one of Mars’ top lawyers who was able to decisively attack Thak Jypsun’s character by using his own long history of criminal behavior, weaving an elaborate tale that would explain the manner of why and how Mr. Jypsun would rig Mr. Brando’s bike to explode, ending his narrative with the simple truth that had the explosive successfully caused Mr. Brando to crash, then Thak Jypsun would have secured 3rd place and a seat at the Winner’s Circle.
Even as he was carted away in cuffs, Mr. Jypsun would maintain his innocence. Since the crime occurred on Mars, within the jurisdiction of The Martian Federation, Thak was sent to Mars’ Maximum Security Prison. It is here that he would remain for one year until he was able to secure his release on appeal, using the same arguments made during his first trial.
The news footage of his release shows a very different man from the one that was dragged into custody a year earlier. Any review of the footage of Thak’s original sentencing would show a man standing with his back straight, shouting at his jailors about his innocence. His attitude was defiant, and his language vulgar as it typically was. However, upon his release he looked underweight, walking with a slumped back, and was deathly silent as he was formally released from custody and taken into the care of his lawyer. The clearest footage of Mr. Jypsun post-release is from a news feed that was filming him exiting a vehicle at Dome 7’s space port, where he would be taking a shuttle to the Moon where Mr. Jypsun still maintained a residence.
A close up of Mr. Jypsun shows a broken and timid man.
Mr. Jypsun would not race in the 2220 Season and would wait until 2221 before making his return to the Circuit. 2221 also marks when he would unveil the rebranding of his career, announcing both a marriage to a young woman named Mary, as well as a desire to atone for his past by embracing his faith, Christianity in particular. The racing community was in shock at the ridiculous idea that Thak Jypsun could ever be reformed, let alone walk into a church without catching on fire. The paparazzi and mainstream news alike now scrutinize every single thing Mr. Jypsun says and does, not just for the usual reason of suspicion, but because they all want to be the first to catch the moment when his mask inevitably slips.
Resna Kant - Biography
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Ganymede born Resna Kant is one of the most feared, and hated, drivers in the Professional Circuit today. Well known for her ferocity on the track, she plays the role of both driver and warrior when she's racing. Exploiting the reinforced chassis of her bike, the Close Call, Resna drives with full intention of knocking other drivers out of the running with brute force. Her reputation follows her into every race she's in, often resulting in races where rookie drivers, or even the cautious veteran, will prefer to take a lower placing in a race than to risk trying to pass her on the track. In her 8 years of driving she's left a long list of victims in her wake, creating as many enemies as other driver's might have rivals. When asked why she drives the way she does, her response is always this: "It's a blood sport. If that makes you squeamish then go race a stroller instead."
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Nuka Song - Biography
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Nuka Song began her career as a driver in the ARA the same way most people did, which was getting a start in the Juvie Circuit. In 2197, she began driving as a juvenile at the age of 14, which is the youngest allowed age for racing in the ARA’s Juvenile Circuit. At the time, she only demonstrated average performance, often sticking to the middle of the pack with her races, but her consistency and work ethic was strong enough to get her noticed by veteran drivers, which gave Nuka a chance to wedge her foot in the door to go Pro in 2202, joining up with the Jupiter Confederation’s only racing league, the Jupiter League of Accelerated Racing, or JLAR for short.
Her debut in the Professional Circuit began with a rocky start. All of the bikes in the Juvie Circuit are primarily cut from the same stock and mold, meaning that they all perform largely the same regardless of manufacturer. However, with the world of Pro Circuit bike chassis being so vast, it took a year for her to learn to drive a bike that behaved so differently from what she’d grown accustomed to as a teenager.
Nuka’s first bike, the Velvet Dream, was a Dwight & Bright Industries chassis outfitted for a high top speed and quick acceleration. Her performance during her first year was middling, only reaching the 4th Circuit before washing out due to her falling short on her race averages. Her performance was largely held back by her choice in bike and her difficulties in transitioning to races that ran at much higher speeds. Her early history with racing mirrored that of many others, as the Pro Circuit is a wildly different beast than the Juvie Circuit.
The following year came a startling upset from Ms. Song, as she’d spent the remainder of the previous Season practicing with the Velvet Dream. Putting in an extensive amount of hours on the track she began her second year of racing on a hot start, showing an improved performance and near manic level of dedication to the sport. Despite racing as a member of JLAR, Nuka and her team shifted her races from outside the asteroid belt to the Solar Interior, her destination being Earth.
Interviews with Nuka Song years later would confirm that her team’s plan had been simple: make up for her first year’s poor performance by spending as much time on Earth as possible to run the maximum number of races that she could safely manage. 2203 was an intense year of racing. Ms. Song started by leaving the Jupiter Confederation to head to Saturn where she would race on Titan. From there she left for a race on Mars, followed by three races on Lagrange 4, then to the Moon for an additional two races before finally touching down on Earth. It is here where she would remain for the rest of the Season.
Her second year on the track flipped the table for most commentators and analysts that had been watching her, as she not only beat her previous year’s performance, but she pushed all the way to the 8th Circuit and finished the Season with a surplus of races and excellent race averages. She would remain on Earth through the holiday season and then began her third year in the Pro Circuit exactly as she’d ended the previous, racing like a machine and remaining within the Solar Interior to catch the maximum number of races possible with minimal time wasted on travel between races.
She would become the first person to not only qualify for the Caelum Run after only 3 years of racing, but she would actually compete. Her stellar performance on the track for the previous two seasons earned her a place in Caelum VII, making her the underdog fan favorite in a roster full of veteran drivers. There was some controversy about her inclusion in the race due to her age and short time spent driving professionally, but her track record was undeniable and the Yays outnumbered the Nays. She would only come in 8th Place, but that was much better finish that what most people expected of her.
Ms. Song spent the following several years racing at a nominally more relaxed, but professional, pace. After having bum rushed her first Caelum Run qualification, Nuka no longer showed any interest in qualifying for future Runs, and instead only wanted to race for the 8th Circuit only, driving only the required number of races for her to make her qualifications. It would be during this phase of her career, from 2206 to 2211, that she would begin transitioning from what is considered her ‘early career’ to her ‘modern career’ for which she is most well-known.
Ms. Song up to this point had been a slender, but comically tall woman of 7’4”. She towered over most people she met on and off the track, but that was hardly the only thing worth talking about outside of her race performance. She also had a penchant for dying her hair wild colors and alternating between letting her hair grow out long before cutting it short again. Her color and style were always changing.
But in 2210 her physique began to become noticeably more muscular, until her body mass had grown so much that Ms. Song couldn’t hide it anymore. She’d begun to work out extensively in her free time, gaining pound after pound of muscle. The once skinny woman was becoming an athlete of ripped proportions, causing waves of confusion and upset amongst her fans. Not everyone appreciated her change in physique from being slender, and notably top heavy, to having more muscle than many men.
Then everyone was given another surprise when she retired her bike, the Velvet Dream, for a brand-new Olympics Mechanics chassis, which she’d christened the Hot Ice Hilda. Larger, and heavier, than her previous bike, the Hot Ice Hilda was a very different machine from what she’d driven in the past.
Her modern career truly began when she started driving the Hot Ice Hilda, a bike that forfeits its predecessor’s acceleration in favor of maximizing its top speed and handling. Being a much heavier bike than she was accustomed to driving, many feared they’d see a dip in her performance. This did not happen, and her racing performance only seemed to improve year over year.
It would later be revealed in an interview that Ms. Song’s intense focus on personal fitness was tied to her racing strategy, as she had been preparing to switch to a new bike for a long time but wanted to maximize her body weight to put more weight on her wheels. With the Hot Ice Hilda riding just under the maximum legal weight limit for a bike in the Pro Circuit, Ms. Song’s impressive weight, aided by her musculature, put an extra 90 plus pounds on her chassis to help with improved grip on the road.
This is completely legal in the ARA, as only the weight of the bike needs to be within the legal limit. The ARA does not count the weight of the driver; thus, the Hot Ice Hilda is legal in weight, but still weighs more than 2 tons once Nuka slides into the cockpit. Whether or not this strategy has resulted in any real improvement to her bike’s performance is hotly debated, with many other drivers in the Association weighing in themselves on both sides of the discussion.
In the year 2214, despite her repeatedly claiming that she had no interest in racing in another Caelum Run, she would meet all the criteria to qualify for Caelum X, and then joined its roster of twelve. It is here that she would once again beat everyone’s expectations and claim 1st Place in one of the most effortless displays of competency seen in a Caelum Run. The combination of Nuka Song’s talent and the Hot Ice Hilda’s impeccable design were a perfect match, and she clear the Run with 2nd Place finisher, Roland Bradley, coming in after her a full three minutes later. It isn’t often the front runner is that far ahead of the pack in a Caelum Run, as most races are neck in neck right to the end.
After her big win, she has since insisted that she will never participate in a future Caelum Run even if she qualifies, as she believes there is nothing new to be achieved in it, since she’s already taken 1st Place. When asked why she still races the Pro Circuit despite achieving its highest honor, her reply is that she simply loves racing and can’t see herself quitting until she’s ‘good and old’. Further comments of hers from other interviews revealed that she has set her eyes on finishing with a career spanning 25 years, with many speculating that she may seriously retire in 2226 at the age of 43.
Financial Details:
Glamour ShotNuka Song is currently a fully self-funded driver in the ARA with her net worth estimated to be upwards of three billion. Between her impressive win record across 22 years of racing and having participated in two Caelum Runs, her race winnings alone would have made her a multi-millionaire several times over.
Outside of racing, her name and face are worth a high price. Nuka Song branded merchandise are consistently hot selling items with the most popular products being diecast replicas of her bike, the Hot Ice Hilda, action figures of her likeness, and her own product line of professional hair dyes and hair care products. Every time she changes her hair color a new dye is released by her label for sale, and with her habit of regularly changing her jumpsuit and hairstyle has led to a long history of new action figures being released to reflect her current look. Nuka Song action figures often carry a high collectors value since once Nuka drops a hairstyle or a jumpsuit, she never wears it again, making any action figure with the old look a limited time item never to be made again.
Further, she regularly appears on network television for interviews and commentary. The cost of such appearances varies from celebrity to celebrity, but it’s widely believed that Ms. Song charges from five to six figures per appearance for news networks, however it is also known that she has appeared pro bono many times when the topic of discussion is related to philanthropy or charity.
She does have sponsors, but all the money earned through sponsorship deals is donated to various causes Nuka Song supports. Known for her transparency, her personal website features a regularly updated ledger that catalogues her donations for public viewing that shows dollar values given, to what charity, and from what source or sponsor. That ledger is currently tallied up to more than 1 billion in donations given across more than 10 years of charity.
Honorary Member of the Board of Judges:
With Nuka’s extensive history with racing, along with her incredible racing talent, she was made an honorary member of the Accelerated Racing Association’s Board of Judges. The Board of Judges, (in)famous for its responsibility to review difficult-to-call race results, as well as for settling disputes that periodically occur, has regularly brought in Nuka Song as an expert witness to assist them in numerous matters. It’s often said that the Board of Judges only pulls in Ms. Song when they fear an outcome will be controversial, as Nuka’s reputation in the public eye is significant enough that her credibility will make up for whatever the Board lacks.
She’s helped settle countless disputes between drivers, as well call dozens of races. Her credibility has only further improved since being made an honorary member of the Board of Judges, as she has repeatedly refused to assist the Board due to conflicts of interest, she knew would cause a public outcry. Her honestly is considered a breath of fresh air in a room full of smoke being blown by the Board of Judges.
Philanthropy and Charity:
Glamour ShotAfter her participation in Caelum VII, Nuka Song began to show an interest in philanthropic pursuits, often donating generous sums to charities whenever possible. With every passing year, as her net worth grew, her philanthropy grew along with it. After her big win at Caelum X, Nuka would become famous again for the creation of her own charity, the Song Foundation.
The Song Foundation is now the primary avenue of charity Nuka Song engages in, outside of the direct donations she gives to smaller organizations from her sponsorship earnings.
The purpose of the Song Foundation is three-fold.
The first is to collect donations that are then directly distributed to children’s charities through the Solar System with the largest percentage being sent to Earth. Nuka’s early career was largely spent on Earth due to the sheer number of easily available races that were present on a planet with 11 billion people living on it. She was able to see firsthand the level of poverty on display and when she created her Foundation she wanted to alleviate as much of that poverty as she could with an obvious focus on the needs of children and teenagers.
The second component of the foundation is related to medicine, and is primarily focused on the Solar Exterior, or anywhere outside of the asteroid belt. With mankind’s exodus away from Earth and into the stars, the protective barrier afforded by Earth’s atmosphere has caused extensive medical complications for people born and raised outside of Earth’s orbit. The Sovereign State of Titan and the Jupiter Confederation are the largest recipients of donations from the Song Foundation, with Lagrange 4 and 5 being the next largest recipients.
The last component of the Song Foundation is aimed squarely at the holiday season with large donations being given out during Christmas. Children and teenagers are again the largest recipients of charity here, but some additional care is provided for adults that are suffering from poverty. Money donated is most commonly used to collect children’s gifts, food supplies, and clothing items.
Each year at the beginning of December a charity ball is hosted by the Song Foundation, with Ms. Song in attendance, where donations are collected from small donors as well as any business or governing body that wishes to give. With how transparent Nuka Song is with both her personal donations and her Foundation, it is well known that the Song Foundation passes along tens of billions in charity every year to the people that need it.
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Grace Gallant
Sports Anchor, Announcer
The wonderful Grace Gallant has been a proud member of the Association's roster of race commentators for more than fifteen years running.
Born as Grace Lyles, a Lunar native in the Moon’s third oldest city of Eureka, Grace began her career in news and broadcasting at the young age of 18. She landed her first job as a secretary with the Lunar Star News Broadcasting Company (LSNBC), but was quickly promoted to working as the assistant to Richard Carlisle who was at the time Eureka City’s number 1 source for business and econ news. She would remain in this position assisting Mr. Carlisle as co-host until she was again promoted to a position working alongside Eureka City’s daily news team, which allowed her to cover a wider array of topics besides business and econ.
Her final year with LSNBC was spent in Luna City, having again been promoted to work for the network’s top news broadcasting team. Her rapid rise through LSNBC’s ranks is attributed to her charming personality, quick wit, and ability to respond quickly to the rapid pace of Lunar news. Her performance through the ranks of LSNBC attracted the attention of the Accelerated Racing Association's headhunters, and it didn’t take long for a contract to be inked and signed.
After signing on with the ARA she changed her surname to Gallant and was brought on as one of Luna City’s resident commentators. Her early years with the ARA were spent largely on the Moon where she would cover lunar races and sometimes using her past work experience to give commentary on the business side of racing. Her ratings were quite good, more than comparable to her peers, and she again received a promotion that brought her off of the Moon and into the stars. Now, as a star of the ARA, Grace Gallant spends much of her time commentating races all across the Solar System. She is still a citizen of The Lunar Republic, maintaining a permanent residence there, but her work has here flying all across the System each and every year.
Her work life balance leaves little room for the personal, Grace remaining single despite her age and despite having two children. Her oldest child is 21 and her youngest is 17. The fathers of both children are kept private though it is widely understood that both men work for LSNBC. Grace is not known for maintaining any longer-term relationships, but the paparazzi have often caught her spending time outside of work with her fellow commentators, and more than a few drivers.
Sports Anchor, Announcer
Jude Drexler
Legal & Compliance
Senior Executive & Vice President
Jude Drexler serves as Senior Executive and Vice President of Legal & Compliance for the Accelerated Racing Association. The ARA has properties and personnel in every sector of modern life, spread out across the entire Solar System. The complex web of the legal world needs a team capable and talented enough to navigate it safely, and Drexler has successfully guided the ARA through multiple patches of rough water, helping to mitigate damage as well as to ensure compliance with the Solar System’s many governmental bodies.
Drexler was first brought into the company in 2201 as a paralegal. She was transitioned from one position to the next, quickly broadening her experience and proving to senior staff that she was more than capable of handling any task given to her. After serving with the ARA for eleven years, she was promoted to the position of Vice President in 2212. With more than two decades of legal experience with the Association, Drexler possesses both a sharp memory and meticulous manner that has served her, and the Association, well.
Born in 2180 as a Callisto native, she graduated from Callisto National University with a near-perfect record. She has both a degree in law and a master’s in business and is an honorary member of staff for CNU’s law program. Once a year she teaches a three-part course for CNU centered on interplanetary law. Drexler also proudly holds CNU’s current women’s record for the long jump.
Senior Executive & Vice President
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