
Welcome racing fans, if you're interesting in high speed, high octane, death defying thrills and kills, then take a peek at the stories below! Each chapter contains a sharp glimpse of the wonderful and wild world of the Accelerated Racing Association and the many talented drivers that make a living racing for fame and fortune!

Each story below will revolve around a single driver, all of which are aiming for the top and the chance to race in the Caelum Run, the ARA's most dangerous race!

Location - Mars
Track - The Rust Circle
Driver - Valeria Ren

ARA - 01 -
Valeria Ren
Location - Earth
Track - Midas at Makolea
Driver - Lundi Quotte

ARA - 02 -
Lundi Quotte
Location - Titan
Track - Cold Shouler
Driver - Nyx Mortar

[!NEW!] ARA - 03 - Nyx Mortar

(To read: Click on a thumbnail, and a PDF will open in a new tab in your browser.)

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