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The Logbook

Here you will find a wealth of information for the World of the Accelerated Racing Association.

You will find logbook entries spread across five categories. More log entries will be added every month!

  • The ARA - Contains log entries related to the Accelerated Racing Association.
  • The Caelum Run - Contains log entries related specifically to The Caelum Run.
  • The Solar Codex - Features log entries dedicated to the world of the ARA.
  • The Corporate Codex - Contains log entries related to noteable corporate entities.
  • The Government Codex - Features log entires for the many goverments in the Solar System.

Clicking on any of the Categories at the top of this pane to review all currently available log entries.

[!] means new content is available.

The Accelerated Racing Association - A Primer

In the far-flung future of 2166AD, The Moto League of Racing came under new leadership, a man named Phillip Black. As the new CEO, Mr. Black renamed the Moto League to the Accelerated Racing Association and began a massive PR push to change the branding of the Moto League to something that would catch more eyes and earn more dollars. His strategies were successful, and over the course of a decade the Accelerated Racing Association became the No 1 source of racing entertainment on Earth. They were also the first to try building a race track outside of Earth's orbit, the first track being located on the Moon, which is still in operation to this day.

In the decades since, the Accelerated Racing Association has continued to grow, expanding its reach to every sovereign nation and celestial body where mankind has set its roots. From space colonies, to moons, to brand new worlds, the ARA has tracks everywhere you go, be they big or small.

The sport of racing has been thoroughly cannabalized by the ARA. NASCAR, Stock car, Rally racing, Formula 1, even the Tou de France have fallen on hard times as no one cares to watch boring racings of men in slow cars or buggies, or even more men in tight spandex riding a bicycle. What the people were taught to crave was the death defying thrill ride of high speed and dangerous motorcycle racing. But not just any motorcycles!

The Association deploys only the finest of modern fully-encased motorcycle chassis! Built like the fastest of super cars, but seated firmly on two inline wheels, the powerful machines of the ARA are capable of reaching speeds upwards of 300mph no matter where they race! The ARA was, is, and will be the future of racing as we know it, and the entire world cheers with each and every race that hits the television screen.

And now the Accelerated Racing Association is the largest sports corporation in the Solar System. Nothing else comes close to touching its size, influence, and popularity. Spanning multiple planets, it sees tens of thousands of participants racing on its tracks each and every year. In addition to its professional racing circuit, it even has a juvenile circuit that promotes high speed racing to youths starting at the age of 13, getting them when their young! The ARA is a mega-corporation that has infiltrated nearly every aspect of modern society with children going to school with lunchboxes emblazoned with its logo, to families owning household appliances sold by retired drivers, and the daily news circulating ream after ream of the newest upsets and shockers from the races.

The Accelerated Racing Association isn't just an organization. It IS racing.

Now, and forever.

An Overview of an ARA Season of Racing

A Season of racing in the Accelerated Racing Association is spread out across the calendar year, and is split into eight Circuits, and each Circuit is exactly 43 days in length. In any year where a Caelum Run is to be held, the 8th Circuit is canceled, and the Caelum Run takes it's place with the race being held on the first Friday of December. All drivers intending to advance to the next Circuit of a Season must meet the minimum requirements by the final day of the current Circuit, no later than 12PM Lunar Time. Please see the schedule below.
There are no exceptions.

The schedule is as follows for any standard racing Season:
1st Circuit: JAN 10th to FEB 22nd,
2nd Circuit: FEB 22nd to APR 06th,
3rd Circuit: APR 06th to MAY 19th,
4th Circuit: MAY 19th to JUL 01th,
5th Circuit: JUL 01th to AUG 13th,
6th Circuit: AUG 13th to SEP 25th,
7th Circuit: SEP 25th to NOV 07th,
8th Circuit: NOV 07th to DEC 20th,
Off Season: DEC 21st to JAN 09th.

Reminder! The last day of a Circuit overlaps with the first day of the next. 12PM Lunar Time is when the Circuit changes! You're qualifications must be in order by 12PM!

Any year where a Caelum Run is held is commonly referred to as a "Caelum Year" and drivers typically treat those years as chance to rest and recover after three years of racing professionally.

Any driver that fails to qualify for the next Circuit in a Season is barred from participation for the remainder of the year, and must wait until the opening of the 1st Circuit in the following year's Season to begin racing again. This rule only applies to Sanctioned Races and does not prevent drivers who've washed out from a Season from racing in Unsanctioned Races. Drivers are always welcome to race in any Unsanctioned Races, but your Dossier will not reflect your performance in those races!

The Commentary Class of the Accelerated Racing Association

The Accelerated Racing Association's own news network, ARAN, is home to several thousand personalities spread out across the entire Solar System. Some of these names are purely local faces that never leave or report outside of their home turf, whereas others are migratory and go wherever the stories are a poppin'.

Regardless of where they might be found, a cursory glance at the ARA News Network will show you the smiling faces veterans of the Association. Many of the reporters, commentators, and pundits all come from other quadrants of the racing profession. Some are retired drivers, others ex-flag girls, while many more were just adjacent to racing in their past profession. The Association loves to draw people that have a history with, and passion for, the Accelerated Racing Association.

Depending on where and how you get your racing news, some names and faces might be more well known to you than others. Some of the most famous people working for ARAN are only famous for their previous work. But, regardless of how or why you know them, it can be trusted that they are a master of their class, and a true sight and sound to behold. The ARA prides itself on presenting to the people the highest quality reporting and entertainment. Their continued success depends on it.

Some notable names at ARAN are:

  • Vic Vigor
    Retired Driver of the Cast Iron Queen
  • Paula Preen
    Former Flag Girl
  • Monica Monarch
    Former Flag Girl & Professional Model
  • Sam Souther
    Retired Driver of the Scarlet Spectre, and winner of Caelum IX
  • Sylvia Sundown
    Former Professional Race Bettor
  • Freddy Ferocious
    Retired Driver of the Terrible Titan
  • Samantha Style
    Retired Adult Performer & Escort

Curious Naming Conventions:

No one can watch ARAN without noticing the prevalence of alliteration in all of ARAN's biggest names. Surely, no one would bring a child into the world and name them Mighty Maxwell? Of course not! What you are seeing on the ARAN air waves is the long tradition of the Association signing on new faces with a brand new name. When you sign a contract with the Accelerated Racing Association, it isn't just a job. ARA Professionals live, sleep, and breath the Association and live life on the front lines in the war of PR. When you put your John Hancock down on that contract, you are becoming a new face of the Association, and the Association has rules. The first of which is you need a cool new name! And it's not just a pseudonym, no. They really do make you change your legal name, and if you ever quit, you gotta change it back.

The Moto League of Racing - The Origin of the ARA

The Moto League of Racing is where it all started.

The Moto League was founded in 2093 by a small group of thirty men. Located on the west coast of the United States, the Moto League were a group of motorcycle enthusiasts that loved two things more than any other: motorcycles and racing. Being more than just drivers, most of the League were mechanics of varying specialties. When they weren't racing each other, they were tinkering with their bikes. Most of the bikes being driven were fairly standard for their era. Most of the major brands of motorcycles were still alive and kicking, such as Honda or Kawasaki, and many of the bikes driven by the League would have been considered street legal machines at the time.

The first decade of the Moto League is uneventful, as this was not a professional league by any measure. The League was just a club of enthusiasts at the time. The year where history pivoted was 2109, when one of the original founders of the League, a Walter Brisk, unveiled a brand-new custom bike he'd made himself. Being an amalgamation of existing parts, this custom bike was nicknamed the 'Killer Bee', due to its glossy black and yellow paintjob. What made this bike special was that it was an extra fifty pounds heavier than any bike of its class and could reach speeds close to 300mph. Most street legal bikes at the time were not capable of reaching speeds as high as this, and even professional racing motorcycles never pushed bikes to these dangerous speeds.

Walter Brisk managed to achieve a top speed of 291mph and then challenged the rest of the League to build their own bikes that could beat his personal record, or hit 300mph, whichever happened first. The next several years saw the Moto League become a coalition of warring factions where members teamed up with each other to tinker with their bikes until they could build their own ultra-fast motorcycle. This period was rife with failure, crashes, and mishaps. It was long understood that bikes could easily be pushed past 300mph, with the then land speed record for a two wheel vehicle being 451mph. However, the Moto League were amateurs and building with their own money and in their spare time.

The greatest hurdle that the League faced in chasing speed, was the danger of it. Driving a supped-up motorcycle at even sub-100 speeds could result in a fatality for the inexperienced or unwise. As the League began to consistently build bikes that hit speeds of upwards of 200mph, it was only a matter of time before someone got badly hurt or killed. One member, a Thad Williams, tried to overcome this danger by constructing a roll cage that would fit around his bike. It barely worked as intended, crumpling badly during a crash that occurred at only 110mph. However, seeing the potential of the roll cage, other members of the League began to assist in building a better cage. Eventually, several bikes were outfitted with different versions of a roll cage, all of which were managing to withstand crashes, provided that they happened at less than 200mph.

The Moto League was split on the introduction of the roll cage. It provided safety, but it was also a brute force method. Most of their cages were constructions of steel and followed basic principles of physics. And physics is really heavy, as it turns out. Bikes with a roll cage weighed a hundred or more pounds more than normal and the League was in an arms race against their own bikes. The faster the bike could go, the stronger the roll cage needed to be, and the stronger the roll cage, the heavier the bike inevitably got, which meant you had to make the bike even more powerful to maintain a high speed. Bikes were ballooning in weight, and cost, and the original challenge of beating that 291mph challenge seemed a lost cause if they continued down the path of the roll cage.

It was not until 2113 that the Moto League would begin to spin its wheels into its next phase of life. This was the year where the Moto League had managed to build a total of seven bikes with roll cages. None of them could reliably reach a top speed of 200mph or more, but with seven bikes in the garage, the tradition of racing each other was not lost on the league. The Moto League began to compete in friendly races against each other, team vs team, with their custom bikes. With such strange bikes driving, it was only a matter of time before local news caught wind. People enjoyed coming and watching the amateurs of the Moto League race their goofy-looking bikes with roll cages. People especially loved watching the bikes crash and tumble, only for their driver to pop out unscathed like a modern-day Evel Knievel.

By 2117 the Moto League had grown to 123 members with a total of 17 roll cage bikes, and they had the eyes of the nation on them. They weren't large, but they were cultivating a slowly growing ardent fanbase that was hungry for something different. And the Moto League was different. Several small companies were beginning to offer support to the League, if only to get their brand name out there on the television. Major brands like Honda were avoiding the League, as the risk of death and injury were too high for legacy brands to want to touch. However, for smaller brands that were either locally based or too small to matter in the grand scheme of a nation's GDP, they were salivating over a new source of fun advertising. By the end of the following year most of the bikes driving in the League were using better sourced parts and equipment.

And by 2122 the League had grown even more, having long since formalized itself as a proper racing league. All the documents were together, the ink was dry, and the original founders of the League were now trying to run a small business of amateur racing with the hottest new up and coming sport in North America. Racing fans from other countries were beginning to notice, the League garnering small followings in China, Japan, Europe, and the UK. By 2130 the League had organized itself into 33 teams of drivers, each driving a custom roll cage bike. They attempted to brand these bikes under the name of "MotoRollers", but the nickname never took off and was later abandoned. Bikes racing by this point were consistently running at speeds of around 200mph, with speed having been an agreed upon sacrifice in the name of safety. Everyone loved watching the inevitable crashes, but no one driving actually wanted to die.

From here on out the League would only continue to grow, and exponentially at that. As more people became aware of the new spectacle of exciting, thrilling, races the more people swarmed in. The Moto League of Racing was a brand new, competitive sport. They were now being reported on by major news outlets, both at home and abroad. More people were joining, more bikes were being manufactured, and those bikes weren't just garage made Frankensteins. With the Moto League now racing professionally, all those small businesses that had been there since the beginning were now larger, and in no small part to the League. Bikes were being made with roll cages in mind, and by professional mechanics, designed by legitimate engineers that knew their math. The modern era of the Moto League produced model after model of bikes that were able to drive at 200mph or higher with a roll cage that could withstand a potential crash at those very high speeds. Drivers were also now equipped with better jumpsuits, better helmets, and better safety harnesses. The safer the bikes got, the faster the bikes could be built to go.

But the Moto League was reluctant to give the OK for bike manufacturers to hit 250mph, and for some, that was a problem.

The fans at home loved the speed, the thrill, and the danger. Drivers were almost legendary, like living heroes. A new era of society was bearing witness to a flock of young, eager Evel Knievels and they wanted more! The Moto League denied them more, and clung steadfast to their rulebook. It would not be until 2145 that the books began to burn, and the man holding the match was a newcomer. A late comer to the League, but with charisma and intellect to match any politician or scholar, Phillip Black stepped in to encourage the League to alter its course. He argued that the Moto League had potential to push beyond its current scale and become a global phenomenon. With the help from a few manufacturers, three brand new prototypes of roll cage bikes were produced.

Phillip's plan was to prove to the rest of the League's leadership that the bikes could be made to go faster, and still be safe to drive. What these three prototypes did was take the concept of a roll cage and fully enclose it around the bike. Normal roll cage bikes were "porous", meaning that the roll cage was not a solid barrier between the driver and the outside. The driver was always visible through the roll cage, but with these three new prototype bikes, they were now fully sealed inside a protective armored cockpit. The rest of the bike was likewise made more powerful to compensate for the addition of so much extra weight, and naturally the sizes of the bikes had to be increased to accommodate all the changes.

An exhibition race was held between the three bikes, in front of scores of news crews, and the world watched the very first race of the Accelerated Racing Association. They just didn't know it yet. The exhibition was a success, each of the prototypes easily hitting speeds between 250 and 270mph. After the exhibition, one of the bikes was loaded with a crash dummy and purposely crashed at a speed of 263mph, only to the reveal the dummy inside showed only signs of minor injuries.

With approval from the Moto League, a small fleet of new bikes were now being produced by a menagerie of manufacturers, and the races began to see a shift. The old-style of roll cage bikes were being replaced, one by one, with the new models. And as the new models overtook the old, the races got faster. The average speed increased from 200mph to 300mph, and it only took a decade for the conversion to be made complete. The Moto League of Racing was now operating with more than a hundred drivers in North America, and another forty from other nations.

The decade that followed would see the Moto League rapidly grow in size, as the new style bikes were a big upgrade in the aesthetics department. The old roll cages were goofy and cumbersome looking, but the new models of fully encased bikes were much more like cars than motorcycles. With an out hull that wrapped around the entire frame, the chassis could be shaped to be more visually pleasing, as well as sporting paint jobs that spoke to the driver's preferences. This helped sell the idea of the Moto League to more than just the ardent fans, elevating the League from cult status to a mainstream sport. Year over year, the Moto League pulled in more viewers and the growing popularity attracted many more daredevils into their ranks, young men and women all thirsty to drive a monster on two wheels with a slick coat of paint. Advertisers were piling in, slapping their logos on anything that had a square inch of real estate.

By 2163, The Moto League was hosting races on every continent with more than forty tracks in operation. The League was struggling to keep up with the demand, the floodgates having been thrown wide open. In response to such high demand, Phillip Black would become the new CEO of the Moto League. The Moto League owed its success to Phillip's passion and drive, so his transition into a leadership position was a quick one. In 2166 he was formally announced as the new CEO of the Moto League, and from that point forward he was in full control of the direction the League would drive. Plans were already being made to break ground on more racetracks, including an experimental one on the Moon. Everything was moving forward, faster and faster, like the very wheels of the bikes the Moto League took so much pride in.

The following year Phillip Black would announce to the world that the Moto League of Racing would be changing its name to better match its new brand of high speed racing. The Accelerated Racing Association was born, and the rest is history.

The Extended Roster

Below is a list of 300 drivers that are currently active in the Accelerated Racing Association. All relevent details will be included from their name, to their age, and their bike. This is not a complete roster of the entire ARA, as the true list of drivers would exceed 1,500 individuals.

Drivers are sorted first by Rank, and then by Nationality.

The [i] preceeding Male & Female denote an Intersex status.
*[ iM ] represents an intersex individual that appears male, but whose primary sex organs are female.
*[ iF ] represents an intersex individual that appears female, but whose primary sex organs are male.
[Birthplace] [Name] [Sex*] [Species*] [Age] [Career] [Rank] [Bike Name]
EarthValeria RenFGrey Wolf3212 YearsDiamondNoblisse Oblige
MarsWilts BrackiMCoyote278 YearsDiamondThe Vengenace
CallistoJan IrateFKangaroo289 YearsDiamondDown Under Thundah
CallistoNuka SongiFBlack Mamba4022 YearsDiamondHot Ice Hilda
GanymedeKraven WellspringMMarmaset3211 YearsDiamondShot in the Dark
EarthAsh ArpagioMFennec Fox2911 YearsPlatinumLady Killer
EarthCarrie RossFAfrican Wild Dog267 YearsPlatinumIvory Soul
EarthJenette PaxtonFCarolina Anole3011 YearsPlatinumCruel Fate
EarthNicholas NirvanaMMourning Dove202 YearsPlatinumLast Chance
EarthRyan O'BrienMBarn Owl2910 YearsPlatinumIrish Laddy
MoonAlbert VansMCopperhead Snake2910 YearsPlatinumGreat Wave
MoonLake RetrallFBearded Dragon289 YearsPlatinumBlack Hole Sun
MoonTallulah DeanFBlue Jay3011 YearsPlatinumAutumn Crash
Lagrange 4Veronica ViceFWhite-tailed Deer3314 YearsPlatinumViolent Violet
Lagrange 5Sonny RococcoMArctic Fox255 YearsPlatinumIron Maiden
Lagrange 5Yuni SavoraFRed-crowned Crane256 YearsPlatinumFull Frontal
MarsAlexander UnoMOcelot3516 YearsPlatinumKing Fang
MarsDuke OdinaMKomodo Dragon278 YearsPlatinumMassive Attack
MarsLuney RoiFRoyal Tern3615 YearsPlatinumDeath's Kiss
MarsSayuri YamadaFJapanese Marten278 YearsPlatinumYakuza Hit
TitanCrat DevoyMCommon Warthog3415 YearsPlatinumGrand Master
TitanFillian JuxMArctic Fox3011 YearsPlatinumCrazy Taxi
TitanGinjo NashMWhite Tiger329 YearsPlatinumPoison Pill
TitanNyx MortarMPerentie Lizard4218 YearsPlatinumRoaring Rampart
CallistoLori LoudFAmerican Badger289 YearsPlatinumBoom Box
CallistoUriko YamamotoFRed Fox289 YearsPlatinumLime Divine
GanymedeNick DawsonMRed Squirrel278 YearsPlatinumCheap Shot
GanymedeRevan PlatiMAmerican Kestrel289 YearsPlatinumStar Soldier
GanymedeThak JypsunMSidewinder Snake3312 YearsPlatinumValiant 03
EarthAlta DenyrzMGrevy's Zebra296 YearsGoldAtlus Defiant
EarthAngela DeppFEurasian Lynx3413 YearsGoldGalaxy Crush
EarthAutry HorusFGoanna257 YearsGoldBitchin' Badass
EarthBri NelsonFWhale Shark3112 YearsGoldBad Manners
EarthCarlos HerreraMTomato Frog3310 YearsGoldEl Loco
EarthCharles LawsonMDingo2911 YearsGoldRuby Rocket
EarthEleanor RoseFManatee289 YearsGoldSquare That Circle
EarthFaraday NightFCaspian Tern289 YearsGoldBad Vibes
EarthJodie O'NealFEuropean Hare246 YearsGoldExtorian
EarthLuke LorryMLowland Gorilla3516 YearsGoldRock Hard Roller
EarthLundi QuotteFBrown Hare268 YearsGoldGemini Vale
EarthMoe OtelMFire Skink289 YearsGoldSuper 08
EarthQuinn NelsonMCivet278 YearsGoldHigh Note
EarthShadi UmarFSaker Falcon3516 YearsGoldCold Sweat
EarthZed ManneMCheetah257 YearsGoldOld Tartarus
MoonClay ClawMIndian Flying Fox317 YearsGoldThunderclap
MoonHedwig PajariFGiant Panda3112 YearsGoldMagic Man
MoonImen SamaraMCoral Snake3819 YearsGoldSpaced Out
MoonKit BroncoMPolecat245 YearsGoldMax Health
Lagrange 4Andy GraffMIndian Elephant3516 YearsGoldDouble Take
Lagrange 4Veel YunoFShoebill3112 YearsGoldRegal Queen
Lagrange 5Rui MaFCarolina Anole3112 YearsGoldJunkheap
MarsAxel BrandMOrangutan2910 YearsGoldCrazy Train
MarsJess FreemanFSkylark289 YearsGoldBlue Mist
MarsPusan ErranteMAfrican Wild Dog288 YearsGoldBig Ugly
MarsRoy SteeliMRed Squirrel3011 YearsGoldFinal Countdown
TitanAdara OsmanFCoyote2810 YearsGoldSapphire Queen
TitanAlexia CahilliFThylacine305 YearsGoldRocket Queen
TitanCalvin CoolsMAwadi Camel3011 YearsGoldBalaran
TitanDariya AliFLemon Shark3311 YearsGoldLavender Lovely
TitanDouglass HaleMShual Camel3314 YearsGoldDon't Blink
TitanMamoru OhtaMIndian Wolf266 YearsGoldFlaming Sword
TitanSusan BaleFBengal Tiger267 YearsGoldSweet Sunset
TitanTek MastersMAmerican Alligator3617 YearsGoldFool's Folly
TitanTheresa RoyiFGreat White Shark234 YearsGoldRough Wake
TitanUli SetMCheetah3716 YearsGoldPsycho Mantis
TitanVera TysonFKangaroo267 YearsGoldVelvet Cruise
JupiterYvette FrostFRed Panda256 YearsGoldIced Over
CallistoBlondie FifeFBarn Owl256 YearsGoldCopper Penny
CallistoFuku ShimadaFPeregrine Falcon267 YearsGoldRising Tide
CallistoKlixon SwankiMKangaroo Mouse3718 YearsGoldAces High
CallistoMarcus WatesiMWoodpecker2910 YearsGoldDead to Rights
CallistoMeera VossiFGazelle3814 YearsGoldIll Omen
CallistoMissy RemingtoniFCougar3314 YearsGoldPolar Strike
CallistoRob TaylorMNurse Shark267 YearsGoldInfinity Glitch
GanymedeEthys StoweFSpringbok202 YearsGoldDiva Doll
GanymedeRed BakerMBlack Swan3918 YearsGoldCrush Shuffle
GanymedeResna KantiFLion278 YearsGoldClose Call
GanymedeVan ThreshMBush Rat289 YearsGoldQuantum Pain
GanymedeVinnie ViceMChameleon279 YearsGoldBig Break
EarthBelle DemureFSecretary Bird2910 YearsSilverAzure Bolt
EarthBetty BlackFRoyal Tern265 YearsSilverRunaway Bride
EarthCam CrashFWildcat2910 YearsSilverBall Buster
EarthDon ShackleMPlains Zebra3213 YearsSilverViolent Shade
EarthEdgar WillsMLlama3213 YearsSilverBold Statement
EarthGloria DunlopFRingbilled Gull278 YearsSilverTerrible Titan
EarthGong YangFLion267 YearsSilverSmoldering Gaze
EarthJaden EastwoodMChameleon246 YearsSilverHouse of Doom
EarthJozo RaskMBrown Bear3415 YearsSilverLittle Champion
EarthMike LawMAardvark278 YearsSilverNo Limits
EarthMill TenueMEastern Chipmunk234 YearsSilverTexas Red
EarthPeter ProwlMSaker Falcon289 YearsSilverJersey Devil
EarthRoger DespinaMRing-Tail Lemur256 YearsSilverVanishing Point
EarthTelette NuFPeregrine Falcon246 YearsSilverSolar Empress
EarthTerran ElderMAfrican Elephant256 YearsSilverThrowback Time
EarthTom RyderMPit Viper2910 YearsSilverCheckmate
EarthVandar QueenMManed Wolf3817 YearsSilverBig Knot
EarthXena SlashFWombat268 YearsSilverReal Menace
EarthYan BelterMKangaroo245 YearsSilverCarousel Clown
EarthZhao XianFFur Seal3213 YearsSilverSweet Darling
MoonBrian HewittMBush Rat3012 YearsSilverRoyal Flush
MoonChow LeungMChameleon279 YearsSilverDevastator
MoonJulia JordanFGoanna2910 YearsSilverAesop's Fable
MoonKali BriggsFCaracal266 YearsSilverSure Shot
MoonMiranda MeadowsFKomodo Dragon246 YearsSilverBooze Hound
MoonTiff RoseFWhooper Swan278 YearsSilverIce Queen
Lagrange 4Billy TrussiMGila Monster278 YearsSilverBattle Bastard
Lagrange 4Jewel GlitterFBobcat3011 YearsSilverDeath Dealer
Lagrange 4Marie BraamFCedar Waxwing289 YearsSilverMyth Hunter
Lagrange 4Meg RobertsFEastern Chipmunk245 YearsSilverSpeak No Evil
Lagrange 5Bruce SaranMThorny Devil3011 YearsSilverFoul Taste
Lagrange 5Chow YunMSpringbok224 YearsSilverWild Storm
Lagrange 5Michael CarterMRed Deer267 YearsSilverMurder Machine
Lagrange 5Vinny WildsMMountain Quail289 YearsSilverUgly Outcome
MarsAaron MetterMGiant Anteater2910 YearsSilverCrystal Flash
MarsBran HolderMBlue Jay3011 YearsSilverStarlight Sinner
MarsDick TurboMGoldfinch3011 YearsSilverNuclear Fusion
MarsDirk CrantiMMountain Zebra2910 YearsSilverOld Yeller
MarsErik JuniperMNurse Shark2910 YearsSilverFury Fist
MarsEugene ChaMSpotted Skunk267 YearsSilverSeven Sins
MarsMick DealMHarlequin Macaw3011 YearsSilverScruffy Scoundrel
MarsRichard KillroyMWildcat278 YearsSilverFair Duke
MarsTina TracerFChimpanzee246 YearsSilverMatchstick
MarsZeke ZappaMWhite-tailed Deer3314 YearsSilverShow Stopper
TitanCal JossaMNorthern Raccoon278 YearsSilverBlack Sunset
TitanHannah BrandyFSea Otter278 YearsSilverTall Drink
TitanHoward GreeniMGarter Snake2910 YearsSilverEmerald Demon
TitanKarim AmerMAmerican Flamingo299 YearsSilverRoad Warrior
TitanKhaled EzzMEurasian Lynx3011 YearsSilverLady Luck
TitanMark DandyMCapybara2910 YearsSilverDixie Tango
TitanMichael DaggersMPine Marten235 YearsSilverTotal Recall
TitanMohamed LahhamMBearded Dragon3415 YearsSilverFighting Cross
TitanNajwa ZakiFSea Otter2910 YearsSilverGleeful Glare
TitanPicori ThrawiMFur Seal3011 YearsSilverMaximum Violence
TitanPlum YokoiFMagpie289 YearsSilverRose Gold
TitanThomas RuleMGiant Panda278 YearsSilverRock Island Line
TitanTrace DraffMKoala3011 YearsSilverOne Last Time
TitanTrisha SwooniFBlack Rhinoceros3819 YearsSilverCleavage Cleft
JupiterAnne MayiFLemon Shark3011 YearsSilverGunsmith Cat
JupiterArt RossiMBurmese Python2910 YearsSilverSweet Sixteen
JupiterFran DresdenFLion256 YearsSilverSteel Star
CallistoAbe YukonMIndian Cobra289 YearsSilverAurora Born
CallistoArlen DanielsiMPolecat289 YearsSilverCarefree Spirit
CallistoDavid KaneMScaled Quail3011 YearsSilverFreeze Frame
CallistoFez TulliMHummingbird256 YearsSilverPiff Pow!
CallistoKarla KnudsenFDarwin's Frog2910 YearsSilverPity Party
CallistoQuet DossiFOkapi278 YearsSilverMurder Suspect
CallistoTommy NookMBarn Owl289 YearsSilverDebts Paid
GanymedeBrum AslenFSnow Leopard278 YearsSilverPoker Face
GanymedeElle FrascoFBlack Bear245 YearsSilverGorgeous Brute
GanymedeFelicity DareFGolden Eagle267 YearsSilverDour Behemoth
GanymedeFranice WaltersFPlatypus278 YearsSilverWannabe Star
GanymedeHaley HardballFSouthern Giraffe289 YearsSilverHomerun Hit
GanymedeLatonya ZitiFAmerican Alligator256 YearsSilverBullseye
GanymedeLim YokotaiMFruit Bat289 YearsSilverPlains Drifter
GanymedeMercury StariMGaboon Viper3514 YearsSilverParse It
GanymedeRent TileMAmerican Alligator3414 YearsSilverCue Ball
GanymedeRobin BassettMGoanna3011 YearsSilverInsane Posse
GanymedeViola AbeniFCougar2910 YearsSilverDress Down
GanymedeWilbert TucoMSouthern Giraffe289 YearsSilverYellow Tone
GanymedeXander HaufmaniMBlack Rhinoceros278 YearsSilverHang 'Em High
GanymedeZeke ClaustiMBull Shark3112 YearsSilverRed Hot Roxy
EarthAlex SpeedMCaracal234 YearsBronzePhantom Pain
EarthCynthia HenriksenFArctic Wolf278 YearsBronzeDanger Danger
EarthDick DangerousMPangolin234 YearsBronzeDouble Dip
EarthExcel SoftlyFEchidna212 YearsBronzeElectric Shout
EarthGillian ValentinusFGiant Anteater245 YearsBronzeTake Down
EarthMamiko NotoFTiger279 YearsBronzeDracula's Ghost
EarthMasaro SakakibraMSnow Leopard279 YearsBronzeWhite Idol
EarthNines DrockerMBrown Bear213 YearsBronzeCourse Correct
EarthNotah ChowFMasai Giraffe245 YearsBronzeFeral Fright
EarthOskar VanMCheetah223 YearsBronzeSinister Sound
MoonBenji DriveMMagpie223 YearsBronzeCritical Hit
MoonFeddy JunoMPorcupine234 YearsBronzeRock Monarch
MoonGreta BernardFFruit Bat223 YearsBronzeRadiant Rogue
MoonOliver PottsMBobcat212 YearsBronzeHammer Time
MoonRudy OscarMDesert Iguana223 YearsBronzeDevil's Due
MoonSuzanna StarkFEuropean Boar235 YearsBronzeMoon Flash
MoonTracy EdwardsiFJaguar289 YearsBronzeMystery Box
Lagrange 4Annelle EvansiFCoyote2910 YearsBronzeCold Open
Lagrange 4Dan PlotMLeopard289 YearsBronzeTetragon
Lagrange 4Shandra MooreFWestern Toad256 YearsBronzeTop Notch
Lagrange 5Hal ContiMMagpie223 YearsBronzeWar Hero
Lagrange 5Nichelle NikkeFTiger Shark278 YearsBronzeBig Girl Mk. 2
Lagrange 5Pinny FreeFAmazon Parrot2910 YearsBronzeTotal Bliss
MarsBrash CutlooseMRed Fox3415 YearsBronzeReady, Set, Go!
MarsDess FremiMNorthern Raccoon213 YearsBronzeBasket Case
MarsRudi BlutFOlive Baboon245 YearsBronzeRose Sublime
MarsSiobhan AloeFGazelle273 YearsBronzeCute Patoot
TitanAnthony WilliamsMGrey Wolf267 YearsBronzeCrazy Emerald
TitanHugh HarlowMCockatoo3314 YearsBronzeStage Fright
TitanMackenzie BronxiFCopperhead Snake234 YearsBronzeThe Big Cheese
TitanNia AhmadFMarmaset245 YearsBronzeWash Out
TitanOmar MalekMCassowary3010 YearsBronzeMonster Mash
TitanRay BrawnMArctic Hare2911 YearsBronzeStylish Starlight
TitanRick ChildsMParakeet234 YearsBronzeSkinwalker
TitanWilly WildwoodMGreater Sage-Grouse235 YearsBronzeFuture Fright
JupiterJin IkedaMBlack Mamba223 YearsBronzePlutonian
CallistoElaine StreetFAmerican Badger289 YearsBronzeHer Eminence
CallistoErrat OllanMWalrus256 YearsBronzePayback
CallistoHugh BrandMRed Panda234 YearsBronzeSteel Skeleton
CallistoKanesha JohnsonFGreat Albatross277 YearsBronzeSimply Stunning
CallistoRicardo WreckerMBottlenose Dolphin245 YearsBronzeDander Dame
CallistoRoss PerogieMMandrill234 YearsBronzeNight Life
CallistoShino ShimojiFGrey Wolf266 YearsBronzeSweet Liquor
CallistoTilt SpellerMPuff Adder2810 YearsBronzeRent's Due
CallistoWendi LawFBrown Hare245 YearsBronzeMagic Dance
CallistoYouko HoFStriped Skunk245 YearsBronzeStone Scout
GanymedeAlonzo SouthMNorthern Raccoon319 YearsBronzeDeath Scythe
GanymedeChang HaiFThresher Shark245 YearsBronzeCosmic Anchor
GanymedeMoss VaneMPerentie Lizard244 YearsBronzeTake On Me
GanymedeOdo SodiMRaven212 YearsBronzeSure Fire Hire
GanymedeTed GarfieldiMWombat245 YearsBronzeLimbo Loser
EarthAaliyah SmithFGreen Pheasant299 YearsIronLightning Lance
EarthAbdullah CaiMGreen Iguana223 YearsIronTrue Believer
EarthAllen TimsMOkapi245 YearsIronGreat Quest
EarthBernie ViceMKing Cobra3112 YearsIronGold Knight
EarthCrank JensonMGreat White Shark299 YearsIronDynamite Fight
EarthDash SpadeMWolverine223 YearsIronCriminal Intent
EarthEmma WhelanFTasmanian Devil2910 YearsIronWuthering Heights
EarthEve WestFWhite Rhinoceros3313 YearsIronRowdy Ruffian
EarthHelen TroyerFBlack Bear289 YearsIronDebonair Dame
EarthHiro ShimonoMBengal Tiger288 YearsIronMaximum Overdrive
EarthJannelle QuickensFTiger202 YearsIronSmells Like Candy
EarthJun MizusawaFSpotted Hyena234 YearsIronGarden of Eden
EarthNewt TallowFAnaconda234 YearsIronRadical Hour
EarthRichard SweenyMGreater Flamingo212 YearsIronSlick Dick
EarthSimon YenMBottlenose Dolphin234 YearsIronBroke Ass Pirate
EarthSybil RyeFKit Fox234 YearsIronEureka Rhapsody
EarthTammy TakedownFSnowy Owl202 YearsIronProm Queen
EarthTony GardnerMChimpanzee245 YearsIronGruesome Fate
EarthTrent ShawMLion212 YearsIronFinal Needle
EarthYoussef AzizMLlama234 YearsIronCrazy Cutless
MoonBellice HalliFAlaskan Moose287 YearsIronDeep Wood
MoonBrett WillowMGreat Plains Skink255 YearsIronCrash Comet
MoonPolk DremMMole Rat212 YearsIronSolid Strat
Lagrange 4Luo KaiMSaltwater Crocodile289 YearsIronFrankenstein Jr.
Lagrange 4Tamyra ToucheiFHooded Crow202 YearsIronSpace Runner
Lagrange 4Xing YuMPine Marten2910 YearsIronGrand Fatale
Lagrange 5Adam TwistMPolar Bear289 YearsIronLoop Hole
Lagrange 5Li HuangFEastern Red Bat2910 YearsIronFeminine Aura
Lagrange 5Whitney BrassiFAmerican Badger212 YearsIronSuper Freak
Lagrange 5Yuichiro TakedaMShual Camel234 YearsIronClean Cut
MarsAn ReckFSpotted Hyena3414 YearsIronSly Violet
MarsBeth TimsiFSprinkbok223 YearsIronKiller Queen
TitanBindy BannerFGazelle234 YearsIronBare Knuckles
TitanChance SellersMRaven234 YearsIronCash Back
TitanGene ToolMAlaskan Wolf278 YearsIronSuper Gladiator
TitanGin VandaliMJapanese Squirrel212 YearsIronVerdant Hills
TitanGregory HiltonMScarlet Macaw212 YearsIronTrue Belief
TitanMalik LewisMWhite-Tailed Jackrabbit212 YearsIronWar Weary
TitanRobina ReyFYak212 YearsIronRusty Bucket
TitanWinslow EldersiMKomodo Dragon212 YearsIronShoot to Thrill
JupiterJet BradleyMFur Seal266 YearsIronBreakdown
JupiterMitsuki SaigaFFennec Fox245 YearsIronManeater
JupiterTanner BicroftMPit Viper235 YearsIronIll Tempered Wife
CallistoEugene EnergyMThree-Toed Sloth202 YearsIronFull Battery
CallistoHowl HughesiMCrested Gecko255 YearsIronUgly Mug
CallistoMarques GramMArctic Wolf245 YearsIronLone Survivor
CallistoMichael BullockMKiller Whale267 YearsIronFrosted Flame
GanymedeAisha ChattiiFParakeet212 YearsIronCrazy Girlfriend
GanymedeBrenda ColtFLong-wattled Umbrellabird212 YearsIronFive Iron
GanymedeDetta GrieFStriped Hyena256 YearsIronBreak Fast
GanymedeHasan El-AminiMLlama223 YearsIronInshallah
GanymedeRuss CroiMSpringbok288 YearsIronDeep Blue Sea
EarthDevan JonesMOrangutan19<1 YearUnrankedDeep Liberty
EarthDorla QuensFArctic Hare202 YearsUnrankedAstro Bomber
EarthFred MercerMThorny Devil201 YearUnrankedHigh Maintainence
EarthHawa RafiqFJaguar212 YearsUnrankedPink Phantom
EarthHerald GojiMLeopard Gecko201 YearUnrankedGrim Trooper
EarthKendal PriceMRed Fox201 YearUnrankedGinger Jackpot
EarthKev KellyMBull Shark19<1 YearUnrankedUnder Pressure
EarthLachelle HollowsFGrizzly Bear19<1 YearUnrankedWhisky Wagon
EarthLin ChenMSpringhare18<1 YearUnrankedMyth & Legend
EarthSam KeilMAmerican Toad19<1 YearUnrankedDark Horizon
EarthStephen ChassMMarine Iguana201 YearUnrankedBattle Clash
EarthWanda VileFEurasian Beaver201 YearUnrankedMisfit Maiden
MoonDenzel WestMPlains Zebra212 YearsUnrankedBlue Thunder
MoonStevey FrakkaMPolar Bear201 YearUnrankedWall Breaker
MoonWren QuesMSea Otter19<1 YearUnrankedRigid Rod
MarsBooker TashMNile Crocodile201 YearUnrankedRed Rapscallion
MarsJing SuniMSpotted Salamander201 YearUnrankedChop Suey
TitanBrak SolderMImpala201 YearUnrankedElectric Feel
TitanClint CarlisleMLeopard201 YearUnrankedSmoking Gun
TitanEthyl FaunFIndian Rhinoceros18<1 YearUnrankedAngel Dust
TitanLanre SalihMParakeet19<1 YearUnrankedCliff Jumper
TitanTamira TosserFIndian Cobra19<1 YearUnrankedPied Piper
TitanYoko ToguraiFGazelle19<1 YearUnrankedHeavyweight Champ
JupiterBrianna BreakFEuropean Hare202 YearsUnrankedHeavenly Glow
JupiterLan MeiiFBottlenose Dolphin201 YearUnrankedLost Legacy
JupiterPax ThrundyiFBlue Jay19<1 YearUnrankedRenvalle
CallistoRico RoughneckMSpotted Skunk19<1 YearUnrankedPower On
GanymedeBen HurMEuropean Goldfinch201 YearUnrankedWild Willy
GanymedeChiwa SaitoFEmu201 YearUnrankedFashionista
GanymedeDread DaviesiMAmerican Toad19<1 YearUnrankedTotalisse
GanymedeLindey SwiftFBarn Owl18<1 YearUnrankedGreen Dream
GanymedeMetty LamarriFCaracal18<1 YearUnrankedCharming Gal
GanymedeNita KukuzawaFTiger Shark19<1 YearUnrankedBad Fiction
GanymedeRobert EndlerMCheetah201 YearUnrankedBeast Machine
GanymedeSam SweetMAardvark201 YearUnrankedTastes Like Candy
GanymedeWinona CruiseFPine Marten20<1 YearUnrankedSound Clown

Statistical Breakdowns of the ARA

Within this page you will find a copious amount of statistical information for the drivers of the Accelerated Racing Association. The data here represents the analysis of 300 Drivers of the ARA. This is not a Complete Roster of the entire Association, as that would encompass data for more than 1,500 drivers. This merely a snapshot of the world of racing within the ARA.

Driver Statistics
Below you will find a detailed breakdown of how many drivers there are in each Location, the Average Age of a driver per Location, the Average length of a Career, and the Percentage breakdown of the drivers by Sex.

The highest percentage will be marked with Bold font. Any instance of 0% will be highlighted in red.
The [i] preceeding Male & Female denote an Intersex status.
*[ iM ] represents an intersex individual that appears male, but whose primary sex organs are female.
*[ iF ] represents an intersex individual that appears female, but whose primary sex organs are male.
[Location] [Drivers] [Ave. Age] [Ave. Career] [ % Male] [ % Female] [ % [i]Male] [ % [i]Female]
Earth8326 Years6.7 Years55%45%0%0%
Moon2625 Years6.5 Years58%35%0%8%
Lagrange 41328 Years9.3 Years31%46%8%15%
Lagrange 51426 Years7.4 Years57%36%0%7%
Mars2728 Years8.7 Years56%22%15%7%
Titan5127 Years7.7 Years59%22%8%12%
Jupe C1124 Years5 Years27%36%9%27%
Callisto3327 Years8.1 Years42%36%12%9%
Ganymede4225 Years6.3 Years40%33%17%10%

Rank by Location
Here the distribution of Ranks by Location. You will be able to see what percentage of each Rank is held by each Location participating in the ARA.

The highest percentage will be marked with Bold font. Any instance of 0% will be highlighted in red.
Any instance of a Tie between two or more locations will be marked in both Bold and Blue font.
[Rank] [Drivers] [Earth] [Moon] [Lag.4] [Lag.5] [Mars] [Titan] [Jupe C] [Call.] [Gany.]

Rank by Sex
Here is the distribution of Ranks by Sex. You can see what percentage of each Rank is presently held by each Sex in the ARA.

The highest percentage will be marked with Bold font. Any instance of 0% will be highlighted in red.
Any instance of a Tie between two or more locations will be marked in both Bold and Blue font.
The [i] preceeding Male & Female denote an Intersex status.
*[ iM ] represents an intersex individual that appears male, but whose primary sex organs are female.
*[ iF ] represents an intersex individual that appears female, but whose primary sex organs are male.
[Rank] [Drivers] [ % Male] [ % Female] [ % [i]Male] [ % [i]Female]

The Ranking Systemof the ARA

The Accelerated Racing Association uses a ranking system to grade all of its registered drivers. This grading system’s purpose is two-fold. The first is to encourage their drivers to become more ambitious in hopes that their race performance will improve for both their benefit, as well as the Association’s. The second is to provide the ARA with a means of knowing which drivers in the Professional Circuit are deserving of special perks and privileges. This proves to be an effective carrot and stick approach, as the myriads of benefits afforded to drivers is a strong motivator to race one’s hardest at the professional level.

The method by which a driver’s Rank is calculated using a formula that draws from three “keys”.
The three keys are as follows:

All three of the keys above are equal in importance, and the ARA’s methodology combines the three into a singular value which therein supplies the driver’s final Rank in the Accelerated Racing Association. This methodology is quite simple and can be vetted by anyone at home provided they look up and understand the methodology themselves. However, it should be noted that a driver will not receive a Rank in the ARA if they have not participated in two full seasons of racing in the Professional Circuit, with a minimum requirement of having qualified at least for the 4th Circuit for a Season to count.

Note- Each key cannot exceed 10 points in value.

This key is the easiest to calculate as it corresponds directly to a driver’s years of professional racing experience. You simply take the driver’s years of experience and divide it by 2. Example- If a driver has been racing professionally for 8 years, then their Experience point value would be 4.

This key represents the average placement they have in their races, calculated using their historical records from the ARA’s Dossier Database. Since each key can be no higher than 10, and the ARA assigns values for averages ranging only from 1st to 12th, some adjustments have to be made to properly assess the point value for Average. The result, if a driver’s Average is 12th or 11th Place in their Driver Dossier, then they are given 0 for their point value. Someone with 10th Place would then get a single 1 point, and this number grows by one for every advancement in placement until you reach a maximum of 10 for 1st Place. Example- If a driver’s average place in a race is 5th Place, then his Average would be marked as 6.

To alleviate any confusion, below is a guide explaining how point values are calculated for Average.
Placement Point Value
1st10 pts
2nd9 pts
3rd8 pts
4th7 pts
5th6 pts
6th5 pts
7th4 pts
8th3 pts
9th2 pts
10th1 pts
11th0 pts
12th0 pts

This key is the most difficult for the viewer at home to determine on their own, as it relies on data that is often difficult to obtain. A driver’s ratings are derived from multiple sources and is a judgement of how popular a driver is. Factors such as video view counts, website hits and clicks, fan club membership totals, total downloads, livestream viewers, and merchandise sales are all built into this very complex key. Visiting the ARA’s Dossier Database will easily tell you the “Listing”, which is ranked from E (lowest) to A (highest), similar to how it is done for celebrities in other industries, but the actual numbers that build the list are difficult to pull on one’s own.

For the layman, the List to Number breakdown is as follows: E List is 2, D List is 4, C List is 6, B List is 8, and A List is 10.

The Final Rank
If you are in possession of all three keys above, then calculating a driver’s rank on your own is simple. Just perform the following formula:

A (Experience) + B (Average) + C (Ratings) = Rank Value

  • A) Divide the driver’s years of experience by 2, rounding to the nearest whole number. If the result is greater than 10, round down the value to 10.
  • B) Start with 11 and subtract from it the Average listed on the driver’s dossier. If the result is greater than 10, round down the value to 10. If the result is less than 1, round up the value to 0.
  • C) Consult the Ratings Listing for your point value.

The resulting output will be a single number ranging between 0 and 30, a maximum of 10 points being pulled from each of the three keys. Despite 30 being a possible output, it is impossible for a driver to achieve such a mythical status, as the requirements to obtain 10 points from each of the 3 keys would require divine intervention or blatant cheating. The final output above will correspond to a rank, as shown below.

Point Range Final Rank
0 to 5Iron
6 to 10Bronze
11 to 15Silver
16 to 20Gold
21 to 25Platinum
26 to 30Diamond

Reminder! Any driver with less than 2 years of experience will naturally be listed as Unranked or N/A, regardless of their three keys.

Each of the ranks confers various perks and benefits to the drivers that hold them. These benefits can range between vouchers for food and housing, reimbursements for travel and private security, as well as even medical benefits that range from standard medical to even including maternity and paternity leave. The higher the rank the better the benefits. Below is a graph of the most well known benefits to holding a rank within the Accelerated Racing Association.

Rank Food/Dining Vouchers Travel Expense Reimbursement Housing Reimbursement Medical Reimbursement Parental Leave Security Reimbursement Life Insurance Revenue Sharing
DiamondFull CrewFull CrewFull CrewLimited PlusLimited PlusLimited PlusLimitedNegotiated
PlatinumFull CrewFull CrewLimited PlusLimitedLimitedLimited PlusLimitedNegotiated
GoldFull CrewLimited PlusLimitedLimitedLimitedLimitedNegotiated*
SilverLimited PlusLimitedLimitedNegotiatedNegotiatedNegotiated**

  • Negotiable - Denotes a flexible benefit that can be negotiated with your ARA representative.
  • Limited - Denotes a benefit that applies only to the registered driver for a racing team.
  • Limited Plus - Denotes a benefit that applies to the registered driver and up to two additional individuals.
  • Full Crew - Denotes a benefit that applies to a registered driver’s entire crew, or ten individuals, whichever is met first.

These are not the only benefits afford by the Association, but they are quite significant on their own, and it is easy to tell why so many drivers within the ARA are so eager to rise through the rankings to achieve the greatest heights possible.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lectus est, posuere ut varius ac, sodales ut dui. Suspendisse aliquam, quam a tempus blandit, sem dolor porttitor justo, in consequat sapien erat vel tortor. Mauris scelerisque arcu eget odio faucibus, eget malesuada urna malesuada. Praesent rutrum neque nec enim auctor condimentum. Donec viverra nisl quis maximus sollicitudin. Quisque enim quam, pellentesque sed sem vel, ultrices volutpat nisi. Nullam ut sem mauris. Morbi urna justo, pharetra non mauris in, laoreet consectetur turpis. Proin tincidunt dolor vitae elit sagittis, eu facilisis libero facilisis. Sed non posuere ex, eu efficitur mi. Integer porttitor mi ut diam gravida auctor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque mauris sem, aliquam non molestie et, ultrices ut libero. Praesent ac auctor augue. Aliquam sagittis elit tempus ornare pellentesque. Curabitur vitae mi pharetra, sollicitudin turpis volutpat, venenatis arcu. Etiam augue lectus, ornare in sem in, auctor eleifend ligula. Nulla facilisi. Nunc dictum ac magna quis consequat. Vivamus molestie massa aliquet suscipit aliquam. Donec libero urna, sollicitudin non porta non, hendrerit feugiat risus. Phasellus finibus eros id erat cursus blandit. Vivamus feugiat at massa id iaculis. Vivamus rutrum porta lorem non mollis. Pellentesque fermentum sed odio ac cursus. Nullam dapibus condimentum magna. Vivamus nibh libero, auctor et justo at, tempus facilisis metus. Proin viverra metus id nisi congue sagittis. Donec vel mollis lectus. Proin tristique, eros vitae ullamcorper rutrum, sem lorem sagittis arcu, vitae efficitur sapien ex eget nunc. Etiam consectetur vehicula velit at bibendum. Nam bibendum odio ipsum, vel lacinia diam faucibus ac. Phasellus dapibus lorem sem, eu maximus neque venenatis a. Sed vulputate, tortor et semper sollicitudin, metus quam suscipit augue, ac iaculis justo neque at nunc. Duis euismod augue ut gravida tempus. Nunc at semper turpis. Integer non justo vitae risus commodo semper fermentum vitae metus. Phasellus ut dui consectetur, commodo ligula quis, tristique turpis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla vitae tincidunt turpis. Nullam venenatis tellus in sapien consequat, at vehicula leo posuere. Morbi id enim nec nisi vestibulum condimentum. Praesent nec pulvinar erat. Donec sollicitudin non massa ac egestas. Nunc nunc nibh, cursus ut felis et, maximus porta ex. Integer dictum nibh quam, ac venenatis magna congue vel. Quisque eget feugiat massa. Nullam aliquam, massa quis consectetur ornare, odio est varius risus, ut elementum eros nisi in purus. Ut gravida leo nunc, id feugiat dui elementum quis. Praesent condimentum nunc mi, ut suscipit est consectetur vel. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla ut augue eu tortor malesuada dictum.

The Caelum Run - A Primer

The Caelum Run is not the largest race in the Accelerated Racing Association, but it is its most significant! Held once every three years, drivers across the Solar System compete across three Seasons of racing to gain entry into this dangerous, yet lucrative race. The payouts and prestige earned from competing in the Caelum Run are so large that there is no such thing as a loser when competing in a Run! Unless you die, of course. Fatalities are rampart across this deadly race, with more than forty deaths across twelve races. After accounting for the rare repeat appearance of a driver across multiple Caelum Runs, and undertsanding that only twelve drivers are allowed in the race, that's a full third of the drivers dying in the Caelum Run!

But why is it so dangerous?

The Caelum Run isn't a race that can be held anywhere. The Accelerated Racing Association hosts the race in the same place every three years, inside Caelum City on the Moon. Caelum City is the Moon's youngest city, and is treated legally as it's own independent state by the Lunar Republic. Here, stretched across the sprawling metropolis that is Caelum City, a massive track was built. Construction began in 2180 and was completeed in time for the first Run in 2187. Ever since then, the three years between races is used by the ARA to modify the track extensively to keep the race as fresh as possible, and with that means new dirty tricks. The Caelum Run's official stated goal is the test the twelve finest drivers the ARA can find. It's a test of skill, of courage, of determination, and a measure of luck. The Caelum Run is notorious for its purposely built hazards and obstacles. Everything has been done to this track at one time or another, from impossible turns, to uneven asphalt, to steel bollards. If the imagination is capable of thinking of a way to make it harder to cross that finish line, then it's on the table for the ARA to try. The ARA spares no expense, and the twelve drivers selected for the Run all sign their waivers. It is no secret that the ARA might just be trying to kill their drivers, as much as they might deny it.

The ARA is a bloodsport, after all.

But the Association never lacks for talent that wishes to test their mettle against their most dangerous race. Every participant in the Caelum Run is garaunteed a payout. Even if you crash out or die, your share of the pot goes to you, or your beneficiaries. The amount each participant receives is determined by their final placements, and by the total dollar amount of the pot as of race day. 12th Place finishers receive the smallest share, but in today's dollars it is still a considerable sum that guarantees a comfortable retirement. 11th to 1st place recieve larger and larger sums, naturally.

So, are you willing to take the risk? There's always another Run, right around the corner.

A Brief History of the Caelum Run

The first ever Caelum Run was held in the year 2187, the first race of its kind to garner the maximum amount of attention the Association can afford to put into a race. In the five years leading up to this race the hype was growing, as the ARA had courted a large lineup of drivers that were not only highly accomplished, but beloved by fans far and wide. To help select the final roster of drivers for the big race the Caelum Selection Committee was established. Much like a jury of one's peers, the members of the Committee are held to a high level of secrecy and put under strict NDAs. It is rarely discovered who was on the CSC for any particular Run, and it is has never been revealed if the committee sees returning members Run over Run.

The 2187 Caelum Run was, at the time, the highest earning race in the Association's history. The winner of the Run, Julius Grand, walked away with a pot of 37,760,000 dollars. ARA races up to this point had been notoriously 'cheap' in comparison to other sports both past and present, with drivers relying heavily on sponsorships and loans to get through a Season. Race earnings tended to be lower, and only enough to function as suppemental income for the majority of drivers. It was only after the 2187 Run that the ARA began to push for larger and larger pots in all of its races, to whatever degree of economically feasability for the time, taking care to be mindful regional differences in economic stability.

Since the Run in 2187 there have been eleven additional Runs.

  • Caelum II, 2190
    Winner - Terra Hill
  • Caelum III, 2193
    Winner - Brendan Garcia
  • Caelum IV, 2196
    Winner - Veni Rosco
  • Caelum V, 2199
    Winner - Deidre Dread
  • Caelum VI, 2202
    Winner - Bill Corona
  • Caelum VII, 2205
    Winner - Sidney McDougal
  • Caelum VIII, 2208
    Winner - Sam Souther
  • Caelum IX, 2211
    Winner - Francois Dupont
  • Caelum X, 2214
    Winner - Nuka Song
  • Caelum XI, 2217
    Winner - Brianna Slack
  • Caelum XII, 2220
    Winner - Vernon Frost

The 13th Caelum Run, set for 2223, does not yet have a final roster.

With each Caelum Run, the stakes get higher along with the danger. The Association does everything that it can to provide the finest entertainment possible, and with it a pot of money few people get to experience first hand. Caelum XII already set a record for payout to Vernon Frost, a whopping 89,000,000 dollars, but Caelum XIII is already making moves to dethrone it. With time left to spare for growth, Caelum XIII is estimated to have a total pot of more than 1.4 Billion dollars. Even with it being spread out across twelve participants, whoever takes 1st in 2223 will easily be clearly 100 Million.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lectus est, posuere ut varius ac, sodales ut dui. Suspendisse aliquam, quam a tempus blandit, sem dolor porttitor justo, in consequat sapien erat vel tortor. Mauris scelerisque arcu eget odio faucibus, eget malesuada urna malesuada. Praesent rutrum neque nec enim auctor condimentum. Donec viverra nisl quis maximus sollicitudin. Quisque enim quam, pellentesque sed sem vel, ultrices volutpat nisi. Nullam ut sem mauris. Morbi urna justo, pharetra non mauris in, laoreet consectetur turpis. Proin tincidunt dolor vitae elit sagittis, eu facilisis libero facilisis. Sed non posuere ex, eu efficitur mi. Integer porttitor mi ut diam gravida auctor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque mauris sem, aliquam non molestie et, ultrices ut libero. Praesent ac auctor augue. Aliquam sagittis elit tempus ornare pellentesque. Curabitur vitae mi pharetra, sollicitudin turpis volutpat, venenatis arcu. Etiam augue lectus, ornare in sem in, auctor eleifend ligula. Nulla facilisi. Nunc dictum ac magna quis consequat. Vivamus molestie massa aliquet suscipit aliquam. Donec libero urna, sollicitudin non porta non, hendrerit feugiat risus. Phasellus finibus eros id erat cursus blandit. Vivamus feugiat at massa id iaculis. Vivamus rutrum porta lorem non mollis. Pellentesque fermentum sed odio ac cursus. Nullam dapibus condimentum magna. Vivamus nibh libero, auctor et justo at, tempus facilisis metus. Proin viverra metus id nisi congue sagittis. Donec vel mollis lectus. Proin tristique, eros vitae ullamcorper rutrum, sem lorem sagittis arcu, vitae efficitur sapien ex eget nunc. Etiam consectetur vehicula velit at bibendum. Nam bibendum odio ipsum, vel lacinia diam faucibus ac. Phasellus dapibus lorem sem, eu maximus neque venenatis a. Sed vulputate, tortor et semper sollicitudin, metus quam suscipit augue, ac iaculis justo neque at nunc. Duis euismod augue ut gravida tempus. Nunc at semper turpis. Integer non justo vitae risus commodo semper fermentum vitae metus. Phasellus ut dui consectetur, commodo ligula quis, tristique turpis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla vitae tincidunt turpis. Nullam venenatis tellus in sapien consequat, at vehicula leo posuere. Morbi id enim nec nisi vestibulum condimentum. Praesent nec pulvinar erat. Donec sollicitudin non massa ac egestas. Nunc nunc nibh, cursus ut felis et, maximus porta ex. Integer dictum nibh quam, ac venenatis magna congue vel. Quisque eget feugiat massa. Nullam aliquam, massa quis consectetur ornare, odio est varius risus, ut elementum eros nisi in purus. Ut gravida leo nunc, id feugiat dui elementum quis. Praesent condimentum nunc mi, ut suscipit est consectetur vel. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla ut augue eu tortor malesuada dictum.

A Brief Overview of Mankind's Colonization of the Solar System

As of the year 2200AD the population of mankind is in excess of 11,200,000,000 and life has spread across the Solar System.

Presently, mankind has settled on several celestial bodies. Below is a list of all settlements, their governing body, and their estimated population as of 2200.

  • Earth
    The United Earth Nations
    Pop: 11 Billion
  • The Moon
    The Lunar Republic
    Pop: 51 Million
  • Lagrange 4
    The Lagrange Commerce Committee
    Pop: 500,000
  • Lagrange 5
    The Lagrange Commerce Committee
    Pop: 700,000
  • Mars
    The Martian Federation
    Pop: 88 Million
  • Titan
    The Sovereign State of Titan
    Pop: 43 Million
  • Jupe C
    The Jupiter Confederation
    Pop: 200,000
  • Ganymede
    The Jupiter Confederation
    Pop: 15 Million
  • Callisto
    The Jupiter Confederation
    Pop: 28 Million

United Earth Nations

The United Earth Nations is the successor to the previous, and often toothless, administration, the United Nations. Compromised of all of Earth's nations, this governing body holds firm to the tradition of talking a lot, but doing very little. It has a military, but that is governed separately by the Planetary Defense Forces and that is unlikely to change anytime soon. With the UEN enjoying an average popularity of 27%, and with the PDF having a consistent popularity of 66% or higher, the general public across much of the globe is content to allow the idiots in the UEN to cope and seethe while the military brass does their thing, which is mount a strong and overt defensive line against any aggressor state. Namely Mars.

Earth itself, for the most part, has continued its own traditions in the face of time and the advancement of science and technology. The English still hate the French, the Americans are still fat, and everything is Made in China. Every so often there is a war, some of which are small trifles while others are much more signficant. The Earth once had 195 nations, which has since shrunk to 162. Some nations unified, while others were conquered. Some were glassed by Mars.

Lunar Republic

Functionally a classical republic, the Lunar Federation was founded shortly after the Third World War, or the Martian War of Independence depending on who you ask. The Moon, prior to the war, had been a part of the United Earth Nations but had long been attempting to achieve a state of independence. Having a population larger than several dozen Earth nations, the Moon felt it had long achieved enough stability and self-sufficiency to earn the right to be a nation of its own. During the war with Mars, the Moon would be used as a launching point for Earth's Planetary Defense Forces, and when the war came to an end, the Moon was granted its sovereighnty as a part of the peace agreement between Earth and Mars.

Since gaining its independence, the Lunar Republic has grown considerably, now being far too large to ever easily fall back under the heel of the United Earth Nations. Though they are still an ally to the UEN, the Lunar Republic has publicly and repeatedly stated that they have no interest in conflict, and would rather remain a neutral party, making them a kind of Space Switzerland. They really do not want to be dragged into a second war between their two largest and most powerful neighbors.

Lagrange Commerce Committee

The colonies in orbit around Earth, L4 and L5, are not quite nations. Both operate under the legal jurisdiction of the Lunar Republic, but are essentially granted autonomy to act as they please. The Moon provides support to Lagrange 4 & 5, but the two colonies are self-sufficient enough to not need direct control being enforced upon them. This is the publicly stated explanation of the situation.

The reality is that both Lagrange 4 and Lagrange 5 are absolute hellholes in space, third world nations being kept that way. Exploitation, abuse, drugs, crime, all of the worst things mankind has devised run through the veins of both colonies. What once were two of the brightest beacons of mankind's brilliance and ingenuity, have been reduced to drugged out zombies of their former selves. Technological advancements robbed both colonies of their original purpose, which was to act as space ports and shipping hubs for space commerce.

Lagrange 4 is a skeleton, hardly serving its original purpose. The majority of its GDP revolves around the manufacture of cheap parts and goods. They are often called "Space China". Any product with "Made on L4" is generally considered subpar or worthless, even when compared to Chinese goods. The remainder of their yearly revenue comes from the Accelerated Racing Association, because L4 has a single race track built within its interior. A bread and circus for the unwashed masses of people trapped in a third world nation with no means of escape.

Lagrange 5, on a surface level, appears to be in good shape. Like Lagrange 4, it's a giant manufacturing plant, but all of the products it makes are labeled as being "Made on L4", and the quality control teams on L5 are not concerned with maintaining its sister colony's reputation. A rebranding of Langrage 5's reputation led to the creation of the Paradise Palace resort and a ARA race track of the same name. Featuring a casino and other perks, the Paradise Palace resort looks like a splendid, top dollar refuge for the rich and powerful.

It is not the sort of place regular people should go. Not everyone comes back from this vacation, and The Lunar Republic does not seem very motivated to find out why.

Martian Federation

After ten long years of struggling for a legal pathway to sovereighnty, the Mars Colonies unified under the leadership of a newly founded government, the Martian Federation. Video feeds exist on both Earth and Martian sides that clearly depict the other as having fired the first shot, but regardless of who started the war, a war was started. Being a war of attrition, The Martian War of Independence lasted six years until a peace agreement was finally reached. Both nations are still paying off debts from this war, costly as it was both in hardware, manpower, and civilian casulties.

Though Mars, as well as the Moon, gained its independence, it did not come without another unforeseen cost. The War of Independence had been initially waged by a party of liberal minded, freedom loving individuals who sought only to unshackle their planet from foreign rule. By the time the war ended all of those men and women were left dead, and by various means. What was left was a new band of leaders with a very different view on what Mars should be. Wearing their former allies skin as their own, the Martian Federation has morphed over the years into a barely disguised authoritarian regime, a regime that has a habit of changing every so often. Martian propaganda is strong, free speech is weak, and the Martian people, for all of the good that exists within them, are swimming in waves of ego right up to their eyeballs. On Mars the propaganda is simple: Us or Them. Mars First. Fuck Everyone Else. The Patriotism of Old has become a Pox upon the People, and the rest of the Solar System is on edge, for Mars might one day raise its guns again but for a very different reason.

Sovereign State of Titan

Titan is the largest nation outside of the asteroid belt, although just barely. It's only beating the Jupiter Confederation by a million people, according to recent census data. Unlike Mars and the Moon, Titan earned its independence through peaceful means. With its population and industry localized on the moon of Titan, and with its vast resources derived from Saturn, the Sovereign State of Titan had only speak the words, "We are Free." and the rest of the Solar System had to simply shrug and reply, "Ok."

Functionally a republic, it still brands itself as a democracy in a very North American fashion. Of all the nations outside of Earth, it is the most religious. The percentage of Titan's population that identifies as religious hovers year over year around the 70% mark. The two dominant religions on Titan are Christianity and Islam. Being so far removed from Earth, it would not be fair to call their Christians Mormon, or their Muslims Sunni. The brand of faith that is practiced on Titan is derived from their religious texts, but more adapted to modern life, creating their own unique denominations of faith. For many Earth born people of faith, a church or mosque on Titan might look silly at best, or heretical at worst.

Titan's religiosity is often held up as the reason for its stability. Titan has a high birth rate, low crime rate, and a level of education that surpasses the Solar System's average. Only Mars beats them, but those Martian statistics are questionable at best. Titan may very well be the smartest nation in the Solar System, if a bit loony at times.

Jupiter Confederation

The Jupiter Confederation is a coalition of three celestial bodies. The Colonies of Callisto, Ganymede, and the orbital space colony of Jupe C. With their close proximity to each other, and the distance one would have to travel to reach their nearest neighbor of Titan, it was the most intelligent thing for them to do. Each of the three member states within the Confederation is independent, passing their own laws and managing their own internal affairs. It is only when they operate against the rest of the Solar System that they act as one unit. Internally divided, but externally united.

To facilitate this as smoothly as possible, they have a Confederate Senate that handles all foreign policy decisions, with a triumverate of Senate Speakers that are each elected by their constituents to vocally represent the people. They do not have a president or prime minister. The three act as one and travel together for any political engagement set with a foreign power.

Beneath the Confederate Senate are three secondary senates, called Small Senates. Jupe C, Ganymede, and Callisto all have their own Small Senates that are completely separate from the Confederate Senate, and from each other. These Small Senates are what controls the member state's internal affairs.

All three member states engage in free elections with a strict term limit of 3 terms, a term being 3 years in length. They are the only sovereign nation to barr religiosity within the halls of power, enforcing a strict separation of church and state. Religious affairs are not meddled with in any way, shape, or form as a result, striking a uneasy balance between letting the faithful do as God wills while also allowing the faithless to be as they will of themselves. The religious population of the Jupiter Confederation is quite small, so the balancing act is unlikely to topple over any time soon.

Biology of the Stars


Earth, the cradle of mankind, has long been known as a miracle world, sitting within in perfect spot for life to flourish, and special thanks must be given to Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field. Without both, the harmful radiation being scattered across the stars, including what is produced by the Solar System’s own star, the Sun, would kill off most if not all life on Earth.

And it is this painful truth that is to blame for all of the tragedy inflicted across the many millions of souls living outside of Earth’s protective embrace.

Once mankind left its homeworld and began to settle elsewhere in the Solar System, modern medicine began to be tested in ways it had not been previously. Long distance, and long term, space flights through zero gravity took its toll on the body. Artificial gravity on colonies failing to recreate Earth’s natural influence on how the body functions. Strained resources provoking austerity measures and rationing, which inflicted privation on large swaths of the population. There are countless items in the long list of problems suffered by the people living outside of Earth’s influence, but the great of them all is a plaque mankind has long struggled against: Cancer.

On Earth, mankind had a natural protective force to keep most of the galaxy’s harmless radiation at bay, but once you leave its gravity and float across the cosmos, you are at its mercy. Starships must be built to protect its occupants, and any shortcoming can inflict a slow disease upon its passengers if left unchecked. On moons, planets, and space colonies, every structure must be properly equipped with the essential barriers to block radiation from piercing through every living body that resides within.

It is a staggering undertaking to build a city, and an even more staggering one to build it to contain its own atmosphere as well as shielding to stop radiation.

No matter what mankind does, no matter what tricks and ploys it uses, radiation is the great killer. It seeps in through each of every colony’s pores. Every time someone must perform a spacewalk, every time you step outside the protective barrier of a surface-side city, every time you cross a gantry to board a spaceship. It simply is not possible to avoid the excess radiation in space, much like how it isn’t possible to avoid the sunshine on a sunny Earth day.

Every person born and raised outside of Earth is subjected to elevated amounts of radiation whether they like it or not. It’s a grim reality that everyone must accept. Earth has the lowest rate of cancer in the Solar System, followed then by the Moon, Mars, and both Lagrange colonies. In the Solar Exterior, the numbers are worse. Titan, Callisto, and Ganymede all suffer very high rates of cancer.

Modern medicine has advanced significantly, same as all other fields of science and technology, so early identification is commonplace, catching most cancers in their earliest stages. Routine checkups and examinations are part and parcel with life outside of Earth. It isn’t enough for a woman to get a yearly breast exam, or for a man to get a colonoscopy once every few years. Standard medical practice outside of Earth is that every person, regardless of age, must be checked for cancer twice a year. Whether you be old or still in the crib, no effort must be spared. The cancer rate is simply too high.

On Earth a person has a 40% chance of being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Out in the stars that number is more than double.


Much like how cancer is inflicted upon the masses by the exposure to radiation, infertility is transmitted much the same. Many citizens of the stars discover, often painfully, that they are struggling to conceive. Routine exams can be done to catch such problems early, but unlike with cancer, fertility exams are not performed twice a year. They are performed primarily on teens and adults up to age 40, and only once a year as a part of a standard physical.

Fortunately, infertility is not a problem without a solution. Modern medicine has devised multiple methods to counter such issues. Experimental gene therapy is still an unperfected science, but available to the desperate. For most people, cellular cloning is the most popular choice. Cellular cloning is the practice of isolating a healthy egg or sperm cell and cloning it until the desired number of cells is reached. This is of course much easier to do for women than men, but with modern IVF technology only a small number of cells are needed to ensure a successful fertilization.

On Earth, fertility is an embarrassing situation spoken of in hush voices, but out in the stars it’s no different than confessing that you have a hangnail or bad knees. It’s that common.

But at least we have cures for it, unlike with cancer.

Genetic Abnormalities & Infant Mortality

Amidst the concerns of Cancer and Infertility, countless other issues have arisen since mankind settled the stars. Regular exposure to radiation has resulted higher rates than normal of genetic abnormalities, some of which are benign while others are fatal. With modern medicine, some of these abnormalities can be detected early, and something can be done about it, but others are sometimes too subtle to notice until a person is born and allowed to age long enough for the issue to rear its head.

Some of the more benign abnormalities are purely cosmetic, such as having the correct number of fingers and toes or having the appropriate shape for a beak or the ears and nose. Heterochromia is more commonplace as the eyes are sometimes affected. Vision problems are more common, the rate of wearing contacts and glasses is much higher outside of Earth, but most citizens opt for surgical correction as opposed to using anything else.

The more harmful abnormalities are often fatal. All existing disorders that have plagued mankind, such as Ectopia Cordis (where the heart is partially or completely formed outside of the chest cavity) or Anencephaly (where the brain is not fully formed) have higher incidence rates. In addition to the previously understood conditions, many new ones have appeared. A catch-all name had to be created for most of them, simply called Infant Radiation Fatalis, or IRF for short. IRF is simply the term used to classify any infant death that was a direct result of an abnormality caused by a genetic disorder that cannot be explained with a traditional diagnosis. Essentially, if it is believed that the death was caused by a “new” condition triggered by the exposure to space radiation while in utero, then it is called IRF until it happens enough times in succession for it be to given its own unique name and classification.

With modern medicine’s ability to detect these issues early, the most common solution found to solve them has been abortion. Even on Titan where religion dominates its population, abortion has become the go-to medical practice to resolve any abnormalities that would result in a person being born with any struggle too great for society to cope with. Life outside Earth is already difficult with every single resource being farmed at great expense. Food, water, oxygen, if it is something necessary for life then it does not come freely or cheaply. It is only on Earth that the mentally and physically disabled can be easily cared for at society’s expense. Out in the stars, if the burden of the disabled becomes too great, then the fear is that the broader population will begin to suffer and that society may collapse.

As advanced as the stars may be, prosperity only exists as a thin veneer. It is a shallow success hiding the terrible truth that if one two many pieces of the puzzle fail, then the entire picture will collapse.

It is for this reason that the populations of the stars only appear to be mostly unaffected by the looming and omnipresent threat of radiation and its many ills. It is just a veneer hiding the enormous body count of their infant mortality, from both natural death and by abortion.

Intersex Individuals

As mentioned in the previous segment, regular exposure to radiation in space has led to a sharp rise in incidence rates for a large variety of benign and malignant conditions, some preexisting and some new. One of the often-benign conditions that has seen a notable increase is the condition of being intersex.

Traditionally, intersex individuals vary wildly in how exactly they are intersex. Some are infertile, others are fertile. Some go their whole lives not knowing, while others are known to be intersex from the very first ultrasound. It is a chaotic condition with many variables.

Since infertility is not considered to be a disability that would negatively impact society (at least not in a way that would consume a surplus of resources, such as other more malignant conditions), intersex individuals are not usually aborted unless they have another condition that would warrant it. Thus, the population of intersex individuals is much higher outside of Earth than on it. On Earth the percentage of the population that is intersex hovers between 1.5 and 2 percent. Outside of Earth, that percentage is significantly higher. It varies from location to location, but the average percentage of intersex individuals in a population is between 15 and 20 percent.

Genetic Adaptations in Space

In the early days of settling the stars, some of the aforementioned conditions were no different in space as they were on Earth. Whether it be being intersex or having heterochromia. In the case of something like heterochromia, which has many known causes, life in space has promoted the condition to something more like a common hereditary trait. On Earth less than 1% of people have the condition, but in the stars it has recently reached 8%, the majority of which were conditions inherited from a parent who also had it.

Being intersex, too, has adapted. The likelihood of an intersex person being infertile has decreased, likely due to the natural self-selection process. Those who can breed, do, and those that can’t, do not. Fertile intersex people are having children, and a noticeable trend has begun where intersex parent(s) are beginning to have intersex children. The incidence rate is uncommon, occurring in about 1 in 10 births.

Further, it seems that the practice of aborting any child whose conditions are too severe has led to a strange adaptation where a growing majority of intersex individuals are surviving infancy with abnormalities that have turned into a new kind of normal. Most intersex people who were born outside of Earth have fully formed and functional genitalia (meaning they are fertile), except the genitalia they possess is what would have normally belonged to the opposite sex. The incidence rate for this is currently 60%, but it appears to be a rising percentage.

Modern medicine is presenting studying this phenomenon, as well as many others, to ascertain if this is the natural way for the body to adapt to a new environment, some even saying that mankind is evolving under pressure to survive its new, harsh, environment. Adapt and survive, or in the case of being intersex, adapt and breed even if your equipment doesn’t match God’s original schematic.


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777 Vehicular Technologies


  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Headquarters:
    United Earth Nations, United States of America
    Tulsa, OK
  • Leadership: Van C. Deal, CEO
  • Employees: 29,000 est.
  • Publicly Traded As SSVT
  • Best Stat: Acceleration
  • Worst Stat: Handling

Corporate Profile:

777 Vehicular Technologies is one of the most well-known names in bike manufacturing. Having gotten their start during the tail-end of the Moto League Era of racing, 777 is the most well-known "dangerous" source of bike chassis on the market. With a grand total of 37 different chassis on the market today, but their reputation within the ARA keeps their sales figures somewhat low every fiscal year. Their bikes are always finely tuned and well built, and they are frequently lauded for their customer service performance.

Their low sales figures are to be blamed on the reputation of the company's bike performance. A chassis designed by 777 is not intended to be driven by the weak-willed or talentless. They are truly finely tuned machines with hair triggers. Steering a 777 requires a very delicate touch and fine motor reflexes. From the very beginning of the company’s inception, the mission statement was to build bikes perfectly crafted for those few drivers that required a bike that could respond to their needs as quickly as their hands could demand them. Drivers that have the knack for a 777 bike praise their machine for its performance and ability to respond rapidly to ever changing track conditions, with some even owing their life to their bike for its ability to get them out of trouble faster than any other bike on the market. However, for the great majority of everyone else, 777 bikes are notoriously fickle machines that are irritatingly sensitive at best, and monstrously ill-tempered at worst. Drivers ill-suited to a 777 bike frequently crash their machines, crash into other drivers, and rack up staggering repair bills. 777 Vehicular Technologies has since implemented a special buy-back program where they recover totaled bikes for a percentage of the chassis' original cost, provided that the driver drove a minimum number of races using the purchased bike.

Despite their lower than average sales figures compared to their peers, 777 Vehicular Technologies remains one of the best-known manufacturing companies in the Solar System.



  • Industry: Entertainment, Clothing, Food, Beverages
  • Headquarters:
    United Earth Nations, United Kingdom
    Bristol, South West England
  • Leadership: Sean Potter, CEO
  • Employees: 2,000 est.
  • Publicly Traded As XGE

Corporate Profile:

X-Grift is a small company based out of Earth that produces a wide variety of novelties, including merchandise, foods, and beverages. The target demographic for the majority of their products are males in the 18-34 age range with this demo representing 75% of their sales on average year over year. As a part of their advertising scheme, the company also runs a small online podcast, X-Grift Radio, that runs 24/7 in a similar fashion to vintage radio broadcasts. Tuning into X-Grift Radio treats listeners to music that appeals to the 18-34 age demographic, interviews with celebrities, and daily comedy skits that parody real news broadcasts, often tackling current events across the Solar System. The content of X-Grift Radio is not intended for younger viewers.

The product lines X-Grift sells are divided into four categories:

  • Toys & Novelties
  • Apparel
  • Food & Drink
  • Alcohol

The toys and novelties sold by X-Grift are mainly “gag gifts with a vulgar twist”. These toys vary wildly from year to year with the product line continuously changing in response to sales figures and customer demand. It is easier to say what they haven’t sold than it is to make a list of their products. Everything from toy cars, to back scratchers, to pop guns, and even frisbees have been sold by X-Grift. The “vulgar twist” is usually one of three things: sex humor, potty humor, or offensive humor. Hand lotion that smells like semen? Yes. Party poppers that sound like passing gas? Yes. Silly putty that looks and feels like snot and vomit? Yes. Celebrity sex toys? Yes.

X-Grift’s line of apparel is comparatively tamer. They mainly sell shirts, hats, and wallets with the occasional fourth item added in only to be removed once stock runs out. To save on cost, every item they sell is from a single type of stock that can be easily modified (i.e. size, colors, decals, etc.) This means every shirt will be the same style, every hat the same type, etcetera. All that changes is the size, color, and decals. Most of their products are licensed merchandise from a rotating line of partners. X-Grift has worked with musicians, artists, film studios, celebrities, and sports figures. Anything that would appeal to the 18-34 demo is within X-Grift’s field of vision.

The food and drink sold by X-Grift are all produced with the same intent as their toys and novelties. Everything has “a vulgar twist”. Juice boxes that are intentionally gross, bags of chips that are designed to taste stale, “chocolate poopsicles”, and a wide assortment of hard candies in collectable tins that are shaped like sex organs, or their most popular item: a box of chocolates where each piece contains a randomized, but delicious, cream filling. The boxed chocolates are the only normal thing on their menu, and intentionally so, as it allows their brand to be sold in stores that would normally never sell their products.

Lastly, the alcohol they sell is both brewed and distributed by X-Grift. Much like the rest of their product lines, their alcohol is treated more as a novelty than a serious product. They have only ever brewed four different flavors of beer, two of which are rotated in and out of production as they are seasonal brews for Halloween and Christmas. The third brew is a caffeine blend and sold as an alcoholic energy drink and is quite popular with college-aged consumers of both sexes. The fourth brew is a sexually charged product with the name of CockMilk, which is also the beverage of choice of ARA professional driver, Valeria Ren.

X-Grift’s line of products vary wildly, but their market saturation is quite small. Being a company that focuses more on novelties than mainstream products, they will forever remain a niche interest to most people. However, despite their small market share, the customers they do have provide X-Grift with enough yearly revenue to remain in business. Despite the crass and vulgar nature of their products, the company’s leadership is openly humble and makes yearly public statements offering gratitude to their customers, both new and returning.

Saturn Orbital


  • Industry: Energy, Industrial Gas & Chemicals
  • Headquarters:
    Sovereign State of Titan
    New Alexandria City
  • Leadership: Brandon Chaucer, CEO
  • Employees: 71,000 est.
  • Publicly Traded As SOE

Corporate Profile:

Saturn Orbital, operating out of Titan, is a major gas and chemical company responsible for upwards of 70% of Titan’s energy production. Their customers reach as far away as Earth, and they are one of the top five suppliers of Hydrogen in the Solar System today.

With more than two dozen Orbital Ring Extractors (ORE), Saturn Orbital is able to harvest raw gaseous material directly from Saturn’s atmosphere, as well as frozen material from the planet’s rings. Hydrogen, Helium, and Dihydrogen Monoxide (H20) are their primary exports with Hydrogen taking up the largest share at nearly 80%. 18% of their exports are H20, which is converted into both gaseous and liquid water for transport to Titan. The remaining 2% of their exports are Helium. Other trace elements within Saturn’s atmosphere are not packaged for sale and are either consumed internally by Saturn Orbital’s facilities or are returned back to the planet’s surface. Saturn Orbital’s refining capabilities are largely restricted to the necessary processes required for separating Hydrogen and Helium from each other, as well as from the other trace elements existent on Saturn.

The company’s manufacturing capabilities; however, are significantly more noteworthy for a corporation billed only as an energy and gas company. Their OREs are state of the art and Saturn Orbit owns more than six dozen patents related to their operations on Saturn. Every ORE was both designed and manufactured in-house, as well as many of their starships and facilities across the Solar System. The company is almost fully self-sufficient, with their only limiting factor being their capacity to procure raw materials for constructing new OREs or other valued assets.

Since they operate out of The Sovereign State of Titan and supply an enormous amount of their Hydrogen derived energy, Saturn Orbital is allowed to freely operate within Saturn’s orbit with little oversight or interference from the Titanese authorities. As a result, Saturn Orbit is not one of the wealthiest companies operating in the Solar Exterior, but it is also the most powerful.

Sollan Verti


  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Headquarters:
    The Lunar Republic
    Luna City
  • Leadership: Siobhan Brakkas, CEO
  • Employees: 57,000 est.
  • Publicly Traded As SVM
  • Best Stat: Speed
  • Worst Stat: Acceleration

Corporate Profile:

Sollan Verti is the largest manufacturer of bikes for the ARA that’s based out of the Lunar Republic. Originally founded on Earth as a producer of recreational vehicles, such as ATVs and PWCs, they later shifted their focus and brand towards the Accelerated Racing Association. They slowly became a strong contender against their preexisting peers and are now currently positioned as one of the Top 10 manufacturers presently supporting the ARA.

The headquarters in Luna City boasts the lion’s share of their workforce and exclusively produces all of their 31 bike chassis. Public tours of their factories are performed every weekend from 6am to 2pm SLT. The remainder of their employees are spread out across the Solar System with three factories located on Earth and one factory on every other settled planet and moon in the System. These factories are smaller and function as support for their customers, exclusively producing parts and accessories, as well as performing repairs and replacements for anything that is still within warranty.

Sollan Verti’s reputation as a manufacturer comes from its solid track record of producing bikes with exceptional top speeds that were also easy to drive. Their design philosophy revolves around giving drivers all the speed they need without the fear of running off course from an out of the control engine. Their designs rely heavily on maintaining a strict balance of weight and an aerodynamic profile. Much of the weight from a Sollan Verti bike comes from its engine and frame, with its outer hull trimmed thin to allow for larger and heavier engines. All of their bikes are classified as medium weight chassis.

Their only shortcomings come from their lower-than-average armor rating, and their self-admittedly poor acceleration. Sollan Verti makes the sacrifice to driver protection to maintain a medium weight classification despite having heavy weight engines to supply their power. The engines they utilize in all of their designs are capable of higher accelerations, but their proprietary fuel injection system is designed to sacrifice acceleration in favor of securing better fuel efficiency for lengthy, multi-lap races. To compensate for their poor acceleration, Sollan Verti supports all nitrous injection systems currently on the market.



  • Industry: TEXT
  • Headquarters:
  • Leadership: TEXT, CEO
  • Employees: 00,000 est.
  • Publicly Traded As TEXT
  • Best Stat: TEXT
  • Worst Stat: TEXT

Corporate Profile:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lectus est, posuere ut varius ac, sodales ut dui. Suspendisse aliquam, quam a tempus blandit, sem dolor porttitor justo, in consequat sapien erat vel tortor. Mauris scelerisque arcu eget odio faucibus, eget malesuada urna malesuada. Praesent rutrum neque nec enim auctor condimentum. Donec viverra nisl quis maximus sollicitudin. Quisque enim quam, pellentesque sed sem vel, ultrices volutpat nisi. Nullam ut sem mauris. Morbi urna justo, pharetra non mauris in, laoreet consectetur turpis. Proin tincidunt dolor vitae elit sagittis, eu facilisis libero facilisis. Sed non posuere ex, eu efficitur mi. Integer porttitor mi ut diam gravida auctor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque mauris sem, aliquam non molestie et, ultrices ut libero.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lectus est, posuere ut varius ac, sodales ut dui. Suspendisse aliquam, quam a tempus blandit, sem dolor porttitor justo, in consequat sapien erat vel tortor. Mauris scelerisque arcu eget odio faucibus, eget malesuada urna malesuada. Praesent rutrum neque nec enim auctor condimentum. Donec viverra nisl quis maximus sollicitudin. Quisque enim quam, pellentesque sed sem vel, ultrices volutpat nisi. Nullam ut sem mauris. Morbi urna justo, pharetra non mauris in, laoreet consectetur turpis. Proin tincidunt dolor vitae elit sagittis, eu facilisis libero facilisis. Sed non posuere ex, eu efficitur mi. Integer porttitor mi ut diam gravida auctor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque mauris sem, aliquam non molestie et, ultrices ut libero. Praesent ac auctor augue. Aliquam sagittis elit tempus ornare pellentesque. Curabitur vitae mi pharetra, sollicitudin turpis volutpat, venenatis arcu. Etiam augue lectus, ornare in sem in, auctor eleifend ligula. Nulla facilisi. Nunc dictum ac magna quis consequat. Vivamus molestie massa aliquet suscipit aliquam. Donec libero urna, sollicitudin non porta non, hendrerit feugiat risus. Phasellus finibus eros id erat cursus blandit. Vivamus feugiat at massa id iaculis. Vivamus rutrum porta lorem non mollis. Pellentesque fermentum sed odio ac cursus. Nullam dapibus condimentum magna. Vivamus nibh libero, auctor et justo at, tempus facilisis metus. Proin viverra metus id nisi congue sagittis. Donec vel mollis lectus. Proin tristique, eros vitae ullamcorper rutrum, sem lorem sagittis arcu, vitae efficitur sapien ex eget nunc. Etiam consectetur vehicula velit at bibendum. Nam bibendum odio ipsum, vel lacinia diam faucibus ac. Phasellus dapibus lorem sem, eu maximus neque venenatis a. Sed vulputate, tortor et semper sollicitudin, metus quam suscipit augue, ac iaculis justo neque at nunc. Duis euismod augue ut gravida tempus. Nunc at semper turpis. Integer non justo vitae risus commodo semper fermentum vitae metus. Phasellus ut dui consectetur, commodo ligula quis, tristique turpis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla vitae tincidunt turpis. Nullam venenatis tellus in sapien consequat, at vehicula leo posuere. Morbi id enim nec nisi vestibulum condimentum. Praesent nec pulvinar erat. Donec sollicitudin non massa ac egestas. Nunc nunc nibh, cursus ut felis et, maximus porta ex. Integer dictum nibh quam, ac venenatis magna congue vel. Quisque eget feugiat massa. Nullam aliquam, massa quis consectetur ornare, odio est varius risus, ut elementum eros nisi in purus. Ut gravida leo nunc, id feugiat dui elementum quis. Praesent condimentum nunc mi, ut suscipit est consectetur vel. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla ut augue eu tortor malesuada dictum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lectus est, posuere ut varius ac, sodales ut dui. Suspendisse aliquam, quam a tempus blandit, sem dolor porttitor justo, in consequat sapien erat vel tortor. Mauris scelerisque arcu eget odio faucibus, eget malesuada urna malesuada. Praesent rutrum neque nec enim auctor condimentum. Donec viverra nisl quis maximus sollicitudin. Quisque enim quam, pellentesque sed sem vel, ultrices volutpat nisi. Nullam ut sem mauris. Morbi urna justo, pharetra non mauris in, laoreet consectetur turpis. Proin tincidunt dolor vitae elit sagittis, eu facilisis libero facilisis. Sed non posuere ex, eu efficitur mi. Integer porttitor mi ut diam gravida auctor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque mauris sem, aliquam non molestie et, ultrices ut libero. Praesent ac auctor augue. Aliquam sagittis elit tempus ornare pellentesque. Curabitur vitae mi pharetra, sollicitudin turpis volutpat, venenatis arcu. Etiam augue lectus, ornare in sem in, auctor eleifend ligula. Nulla facilisi. Nunc dictum ac magna quis consequat. Vivamus molestie massa aliquet suscipit aliquam. Donec libero urna, sollicitudin non porta non, hendrerit feugiat risus. Phasellus finibus eros id erat cursus blandit. Vivamus feugiat at massa id iaculis. Vivamus rutrum porta lorem non mollis. Pellentesque fermentum sed odio ac cursus. Nullam dapibus condimentum magna. Vivamus nibh libero, auctor et justo at, tempus facilisis metus. Proin viverra metus id nisi congue sagittis. Donec vel mollis lectus. Proin tristique, eros vitae ullamcorper rutrum, sem lorem sagittis arcu, vitae efficitur sapien ex eget nunc. Etiam consectetur vehicula velit at bibendum. Nam bibendum odio ipsum, vel lacinia diam faucibus ac. Phasellus dapibus lorem sem, eu maximus neque venenatis a. Sed vulputate, tortor et semper sollicitudin, metus quam suscipit augue, ac iaculis justo neque at nunc. Duis euismod augue ut gravida tempus. Nunc at semper turpis. Integer non justo vitae risus commodo semper fermentum vitae metus. Phasellus ut dui consectetur, commodo ligula quis, tristique turpis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla vitae tincidunt turpis. Nullam venenatis tellus in sapien consequat, at vehicula leo posuere. Morbi id enim nec nisi vestibulum condimentum. Praesent nec pulvinar erat. Donec sollicitudin non massa ac egestas. Nunc nunc nibh, cursus ut felis et, maximus porta ex. Integer dictum nibh quam, ac venenatis magna congue vel. Quisque eget feugiat massa. Nullam aliquam, massa quis consectetur ornare, odio est varius risus, ut elementum eros nisi in purus. Ut gravida leo nunc, id feugiat dui elementum quis. Praesent condimentum nunc mi, ut suscipit est consectetur vel. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla ut augue eu tortor malesuada dictum.

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