
Awaiting New Track Data


The Sanctioned Tracks of the ARA

Here you will find a detailed catalog of Sanctioned Tracks for the Accelerated Racing Association.

Spread out across the Solar System there are more than 300 race tracks with many more currently under construction!

  • Earth - Features a list of tracks located in The United Earth Nations.
  • Moon - Features a list of tracks located in The Lunar Republic.
  • L4 & L5 - Features a list of tracks located on Lagrange 4 and Lagrange 5.
  • Mars - Features a list of tracks located in The Martian Federation
  • Saturn - Features a list of tracks located in The Sovereign State of Titan.
  • Jupiter - Features a list of tracks located in The Juptier Confederation.

Clicking on any of the Locations at the top menu will open dropdown lists featuring all currently available tracks.

[!] means new content is available.

Track Map Photo
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Map & Photography

Mars - The Rust Circle

The Accelerated Racing Association presents the official track map for: The Rust Circle.
Location: Mars
Type: Multi-Lap
Length: 32 miles // 51 kilometers
Commissioned in the year 2216

Track Description:

The Rust Circle is the 3rd sanctioned track built on Mars by the Accelerated Racing Association, and its most ambitious. Of the three tracks available on Mars, The Rust Circle is now considered to be the most dangerous. In the six years of its operation, more than thirty drivers have been killed racing it, and more than a hundred more have suffered severe injury. It's not the most dangerous track in the Association, but it is predicted to claim that title within the next four years if the current trend in accidents hold.

The hazard level of this track was expected and planned for. Three micro-Domes were built along the course, all of which contain emergency facilities and Rapid Response Teams. There is enough garage space in the primary micro-Dome ARA-D 01 to house sixty drivers and their crews, and the hospital space available on-site can accommodate as many as eighty patients.

The majority of the deaths and injuries on The Rust Circle occur on the Death Valley and Pillars of Salt portions of the track, responsible for more than 80% of all incidents.

With Mars officially permitting the construction of sanctioned tracks in 2202, and with only three tracks to show for it in twenty years, it is not expected that Mars will become the next hot tourist spot for racing fans in the near future. The current Martian government is still highly isolationist and reluctant to allow any new construction on behalf of non-native businesses. With its close proximity to Earth, the three tracks it does have are profitable, but the Solar System is home to other much more welcoming locations for racing fans to visit. Analysts do not expect the Association to pull out of Mars demo, but to do as they have always done in the past: Play the long game and wait until there is another regime change.

Today's Race!

"And we are back, racing fans! For those just tuning in, welcome to ARA 05.22, the only place to find exclusive news and live feed for everything racing on the wonderful red planet! Today's 5th Martian race is about to start at The Rust Circle and I hope you're as excited as I am! Cliff Chaser, Paula Preen, and Neveah Nitro will be the commentators for today's race, but they aren't the only amazing faces you'll be seeing! The Rust Circle is bringing thirty incredible drivers with some notable names that'll wet even the driest of appetites! Two Diamond Rank drivers are here with us today: Wilts Brack and Valeria Ren, ladies and gentleman! What's more is we are joined by the likes of Duke Odina and Mars' favorite driver Richard Killroy!"

[Race Roster]

[Rank] [Driver] [Bike]
DIAValeria RenNoblisse Oblige
DIAWilts BrackThe Vengenace
PLTDuke OdinaMassive Attack
PLTNick DawsonCheap Shot
PLTTallulah DeanAutumn Crash
PLTRyan O'BrienIrish Laddy
GLDVan ThreshQuantum Pain
GLDBri NelsonBad Manners
GLDCarlos HerreraEl Loco
GLDVera TysonVelvet Cruise
GLDYvette FrostIced Over
GLDCharles LawsonRuby Rocket
GLDMissy RemingtonPolar Strike
GLDRed BakerCrush Shuffle
SVRFelicity DareDour Behemoth
SVRRichard KillroyFair Duke
SVRDon ShackleViolent Shad
SVREugene ChaSeven Sins
SVRMercury StarParse It
SVRMichael DaggersTotal Recall
SVRBrum AslenPoker Face
SVRTommy NookDebts Paid
BRZExcel SoftlyElectric Shout
BRZFeddy JunoRock Monarch
BRZGillian ValentinusTake Down
BRZNines DrockerCourse Correct
IRNGregory HiltonTrue Belief
IRNAisha ChattiCrazy Girlfriend
IRNBrenda ColtFive Iron
N/ARico RoughneckPower On

Track Map
(To view fullsize: Click on the thumbnail.)

Map & Photography

Earth - Midas at Makolea

The Accelerated Racing Association presents the official track map for: Midas at Makolea.
Location: Earth
Type: Multi-Lap
Length: 1.5 miles // 2.4 kilometers
Commissioned in the year 2189

Track Description:

Midas at Makolea is a track that shouldn't exist. The islands of Hawaii have long been strict when it came to industries buying up and paving over the natural beauty of Hawaii. However, the Accelerated Racing Association was still able to grease enough palms to begin building a brand new track in 2189AD. Construction lasted two years, and was built in tandem with a resort that would help bolster tourism both for the ARA's races, as well as for Hawaii's own tourism industry.

The track itself is notoriously short, and infamously dangerous. Large swaths of the bikes on the market today struggle on the Midas, mainly due to its lack of straight lines and repeated tight turns. It is not possible for a modern bike to reach its top speed on this track, which has a habit of frustrating many drivers, as well as luring many more into overestimating their abilities and picking up too much speed, thus leading to accidents.

Wrecks are frequent at Midas at Makolea, turning the track into one of the best known "bloodless" blood sport tracks in the Association. Typically, accident rife tracks like the Midas begin to rack up fatalities, but due to its short length and curvy nature, the low speed intensity actually leads to more accidents with a minimum of fatalities or serious injury. In all the years of it being active, only two people have died at the Midas at Makolea, but the number of injuries, both minor and major, its dished out to drivers numbers in the 10's of thousands.

Today's Race!

"Welcome back racing fans far and wide! Let's bask in the sunshine today, right here on ARA 01.37, the only place where the hottest racing news gets to meet the sand and surf of Ahola Hawaii! We're about to begin coverage of the day's second race here at Midas at Makolea! The commentators for today's races are Sam Souther, July Jazz, and the always lovely Ewe Euphoria! The Midas track is boasting a star studded cast today with a majority of drivers coming from the Silver rank and higher! If you're a big fan of watching high rollers bet it all or nothing, then today's races are surely set to give everyone watching at home a jackpot to remember! Welcome to Midas!"

[Race Roster]

[Rank] [Driver] [Bike]
PLTYuni SavoraFull Frontal
PLTDuke OdinaMassive Attack
PLTTallulah DeanAutumn Crash
GLDLundi QuotteGemini Vale
GLDFaraday NightBad Vibes
GLDUli SetPsycho Mantis
SVRMark DandyDixie Tango
SVRPeter ProwlJersey Devil
SVRErik JuniperFury Fist
SVRPicori ThrawMaximum Violence
SVRRent TileCue Ball
SVRQuet DossiMurder Suspect
SVREdgar WillsBold Statement
SVRMercury StarParse It
SVRTina TracerMatchstick
BRZMackenzie BronxThe Big Cheese
IRNChance SellersCash Back
N/AWanda VileMisfit Maiden

Track Map
(To view fullsize: Click on the thumbnail.)

Map & Photography

Titan - Cold Shoulder

The Accelerated Racing Association presents the official track map for: Cold Shoulder.
Location: Titan
Type: Single Lap
Length: 150 miles // 241 kilometers
Commissioned in the year 2183

Track Description:

The Cold Shoulder track on Titan is the 6th such track to be built by the Accelerated Racing Association. Located sixty miles from New Alexandria City, this track has become one of the favorites for drivers to visit due to its close proximity to Titan's second largest space port.

Like most other sanctioned tracks on Titan, the Cold Shoulder is a continuous tube of thick glass and metal plating that measures 200 feet in diameter at its widest point. The asphalt is laced with heating equipment to prevent the build up of ice, and the internal temperature of the track is maintained at a cool 33 degrees fahrenheit.

Designed as a single lap only track, the race starts and ends at the same point, at the aptly named "Cold Storage" garage at the southern end of the track. Cold Shoulder possesses two emergency response centers, the primary being centrally located within the heart of the Cold Shoulder's footprint, and the second being in the garage.

Like all other single lap tracks, the Cold Shoulder features the drag net safety system to stop bikes cold as they roll across the finish fine. Drag net systems are designed as large synthetic webs that catch bikes and rapidly, and safely, slow them down so that they can be brought to a complete stop without crashing into the opposite end of the garage.

Today's Race!

"Hey, hey, hey fans! Here we go again! I hope you've still got cold gear handy, because it is COLD here today in New Alexandria City with the surface temp hovering at a -275 degrees! But in less than half an hour the asphalt at Cold Shoulder will leave you cooking, because we have an incredible lineup of drivers hitting the streets! Top of the chart is Nuka Song, not often we get a Diamond Rank racer here at the Cold Shoulder, and right behind we have a pack of heavy weight contenders! Nyx Mortar and Duke Odina are both here to tear up the ice, but we're just gonna have to see if they have what it takes to compete with Nuka Song! I won't even pretend the rest of the pack has a chance."

[Race Roster]

[Rank] [Driver] [Bike]
DIANuka SongHot Ice Hilda
PLTNyx MortarRoaring Rampart
PLTDuke OdinaMassive Attack
GLDClay ClawThunderclap
GLDRob TaylorInfinity Glitch
GLDFuku ShimadaRising Tide
GLDShadi UmarCold Sweat
SVRXander HaufmanHang 'Em High
SVRMick DealScruffy Scoundrel
SVRViola AbenDress Down
SVRArlen DanielsCarefree Spirit
SVRTrisha SwoonCleavage Cleft
SVRJozo RaskLittle Champion
SVRFez TulliPiff Pow!
SVRMike LawNo Limits
SVRFelicity DareDour Behemoth
SVRMarie BraamMyth Hunter
BRZYouko HoStone Scout
BRZNotah ChowFeral Fright
BRZNia AhmadWash Out
IRNAbdullah CaiTrue Believer
IRNGin VandalVerdant Hills
N/ABen HurWild Willy
N/ANita KukuzawaBad Fiction

Track Map
(To view fullsize: Click on the thumbnail.)

Map & Photography

Lagrange 4 - The Lagrange Loop

The Accelerated Racing Association presents the official track map for: The Lagrange Loop.
Location: Lagrange 4
Type: Multi-Lap
Length: 11 miles // 19 kilometers
Commissioned in the year 2174

Track Description:

With the Accelerated Racing Association growing need for expansion, the Lagrange Loop was constructed despite the criticisms of countless business analysts. It was widely believed that a race track on Lagrange 4 would be a waste of money, and would ultimately fail.

To the contrary, the Lagrange Loop has managed to become one of the most heavily used tracks in the Solar System. The Lagrange Commerce Committee has streamlined the process for drivers and their teams to arrive on L4, unload their equipment, and then perform their races. A driver can be "in and out" in only the span of a few hours, arriving and leaving L4 with a day to continue on to race at another location, which is often Earth, the Moon, or Mars.

The Lagrange Loop is a popular location for drivers to catch a quick race before heading out to the next one, using the colony of Lagrange 4 as a pit stop between other races. Lagrange 4's reputation hasn't improved any since the construction of the Lagrange Loop, but it's tourist traffic certainly has, even if its only for the races.

Today's Race!

"L4 Race Radio. Listeners, we are entering into the 9th race of the day, ETA 25 minutes. Eighteen drivers are participating with an even spread of talent from Iron to Platinum Rank. Thak Jypsun headlining, followed by Klixon Swank and Andy Graff. Estimated race time 36 minutes. Next race ETA 1 hour and 13 minutes. Nicholas Nirvana headlining. Stay tuned for race start, Phil Crown and Frank Faust commentating live from Luna City."

[Race Roster]

[Rank] [Driver] [Bike]
PLTThak JypsunValiant 03
GLDVan ThreshQuantum Pain
GLDAndy GraffDouble Take
GLDKlixon SwankAces High
GLDQuinn NelsonHigh Note
SVRGloria DunlopTerrible Titan
SVRBelle DemureAzure Bolt
SVRFez TulliPiff Pow!
SVRHaley HardballHomerun Hit
SVRTrace DraffOne Last Time
SVRThomas RuleRock Island Line
BRZRick ChildsSkinwalker
BRZHugh BrandSteel Skeleton
BRZAlex SpeedPhantom Pain
IRNChance SellersCash Back
IRNDetta GrieBreak Fast
IRNPolk DremSolid Strat
N/ASam SweetTastes Like Candy

Track Map
(To view fullsize: Click on the thumbnail.)

Map & Photography

Moon - Apollo's Destiny

The Accelerated Racing Association presents the official track map for: TRACK.
Location: Moon
Type: Multi-Lap
Length: 5 miles // 8 kilometers
Commissioned in the year YEAR

Track Description:


Today's Race!


[Race Roster]

[Rank] [Driver] [Bike]
PLTAlbert VansGreat Wave
PLTLake RetrallBlack Hole Sun

(To view fullsize: Click on the thumbnail.)

Map & Photography


The Accelerated Racing Association presents the official track map for: TRACK.
Location: PLACE
Type: TYPE-Lap
Length: 000 miles // 000 kilometers
Commissioned in the year YEAR

Track Description:


Today's Race!


[Race Roster]

[Rank] [Driver] [Bike]

(To view fullsize: Click on the thumbnail.)

Map & Photography


The Accelerated Racing Association presents the official track map for: TRACK.
Location: PLACE
Type: TYPE-Lap
Length: 000 miles // 000 kilometers
Commissioned in the year YEAR

Track Description:


Today's Race!


[Race Roster]

[Rank] [Driver] [Bike]

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