People of Note
Full Name | Pronounciation | Who are they? |
Yvvie Fah Ro'Sah | Yeh-Vee Fah Row-Sah | The first and current reigning monarch of Atina Nah, responsible for its founding. |
Myuun Er Su'Un | Me-Yoon Err Soo-Oon | The late King of Atina Nah who was assassinated a year after Waylen’s birth. |
Vienna Fah Ro'Un | Vee-Inn-Ah Fah Row-Oon | The eldest daughter to Queen Yvvie, and the heir to the Atinan throne. |
Iolla Fah Ro'Un | Ee-Oh-Lah Fah Row-Oon | The youngest daughter to Queen Yvvie, and a vital advisor in economic matters of state. |
Thalla Fah Kah'Seh | Thah-Lah Fah Kah-Sah | An Atinan Eldest and Close Advisor to Queen Yvvie, assisting her in most matters of state. |
Karo Er Ton'Vas | Car-Oh Err Tahn-Vass | Vienna’s husband who is a merchant in the steel trade, and the future King of Atina Nah. |
Lyrren Er Yot'Ah | Leer-An Err Yote-Ah | A valued and trusted Atinan, who is in charge of every servant assigned to Waylen’s care. |
Feon Fah Lu’Ran | Fee-On Fah Loo-Ran | Wife to Lyrren and a cook assigned to the big kitchen within the Keep of Anya Sur. |
Norra Fah Tah'Yah | Nor-Ah Fah Tah-Yah | An accomplished soldier, assigned to the post of Captain, in charge of Waylen’s Atinan guards. |
Roc Er Fel'Noy | Rock Err Fell-Noy | One of Queen Yvvie’s three Commanders. The Commander Beyond the Wall. |
Nell Fah Sol'Nu | Nell Fah Soul-New | One of Queen Yvvie’s three Commanders. The Eye of the Watch. |
Tann Er Al'Lon | Tahn Err Al-Lan | One of Queen Yvvie’s three Commanders. The Commander of the Keep. |