People of Note
Full Name | Pronounciation | Who are they? |
Yvvie Fah Ro'Sah | Yeh-Vee Fah Row-Sah | The first and current reigning monarch of Atina Nah, responsible for its founding. |
Myuun Er Su'Un | Me-Yoon Err Soo-Oon | The late King of Atina Nah who was assassinated a year after Waylen’s birth. |
Vienna Fah Ro'Un | Vee-Inn-Ah Fah Row-Oon | The eldest daughter to Queen Yvvie, and the heir to the Atinan throne. |
Iolla Fah Ro'Un | Ee-Oh-Lah Fah Row-Oon | The youngest daughter to Queen Yvvie, and a vital advisor in economic matters of state. |
Thalla Fah Kah'Seh | Thah-Lah Fah Kah-Sah | An Atinan Eldest and Close Advisor to Queen Yvvie, assisting her in most matters of state. |
Karo Er Ton'Vas | Car-Oh Err Tahn-Vass | Vienna’s husband who is a merchant in the steel trade, and the future King of Atina Nah. |
Lyrren Er Yot'Ah | Leer-An Err Yote-Ah | A valued and trusted Atinan, who is in charge of every servant assigned to Waylen’s care. |
Feon Fah Lu’Ran | Fee-On Fah Loo-Ran | Wife to Lyrren and a cook assigned to the big kitchen within the Keep of Anya Sur. |
Norra Fah Tah'Yah | Nor-Ah Fah Tah-Yah | An accomplished soldier, assigned to the post of Captain, in charge of Waylen’s Atinan guards. |
Roc Er Fel'Noy | Rock Err Fell-Noy | One of Queen Yvvie’s three Commanders. The Commander Beyond the Wall. |
Nell Fah Sol'Nu | Nell Fah Soul-New | One of Queen Yvvie’s three Commanders. The Eye of the Watch. |
Tann Er Al'Lon | Tahn Err Al-Lan | One of Queen Yvvie’s three Commanders. The Commander of the Keep. |
Places of Note
Location | Pronounciation | Description |
Atina Nah | Ah-Teen-Ah Nah | The Kingdom of Atina Nah, home to the dragons of the Silver Sea. An expansive desert region. |
Anya Sur (City) | Ahn-Yah Sir | The Capital City of Atina Nah. A walled city more than a century old, and vital hub of trade, and named after Anya Sur. |
The Keep | The Keep | Built into the base of Anya Sur, The Keep is an impregnable fortress, as well as the home to Her Majesty and her royal family. |
Anya Sur (Butte) | Ahn-Yah Sir | The largest rock formation in Atina Nah, a massive butte that sits at the heart of the City of Anya Sur. Translates to “The Great Well”. |
Anya Valas | Ahn-Yah Vah-Lass | Known as “The Great Cistern”, Anya Valas is the large lake at the foot Anya Sur, and is fed by an underground spring deep beneath Atina Nah. |
Radiah | Rah-Dee-Ah | The Kingdom of Radiah, found east of the desert, and home to mankind. A cold, forested land. |
Ilian | Ill-Ee-An | The Capital City of Radiah, centuries old and always growing. Well known for its riches. |
Darfell | Dar-Fell | The Kingdom of Darfell, which is a long-standing rival to Radiah. The two Kingdoms have feuded with one other for as long as they have written history. |
Ulta | Ull-Tah | The mountainous Kingdom of Ulta, located to the north of Atina Nah, beyond the desert. |
Glossary of Terms
Term | Pronounciation | Definition |
Atinan | Ah-Teen-An | Being of or from Atina Nah. Can be in reference to people or to things. |
Radian | Rah-Dee-An | Being of or from Radiah. Can be in reference to people or to things. |
Meelish | Mee-Lish | An Atinan dish consisting of meatballs smothered in a rich gravy. Any meat can be used. Salty, savory. The color of the sauce shares its color and texture with American “white gravy”. |
Valli | Vah-Lee | A thick, dark colored stew that is traditionally prepared with either camel or pork. The flavor is similar to that of BBQ, but it is eaten like a stew. |
Tan | Tahn | A golf ball sized, round dinner roll. Golden round on top, lightly glazed with butter and garnished with salt. Fluffy white insides. |
Nef | Neff | Simply means “alcohol”. Any alcoholic beverage can be called nef, but to be specific you would need to use the alcohol’s proper name. |
Unni | Oon-Ee | An alcohol made from honey, which is very similar to mead. Considered a cheap luxury, like a higher quality alcohol for more special occasions. |
Picti Nef | Pick-Tee Neff | A type of beer made from the local cacti, Picti. It’s bitter in the way beer is known to be but has a mint flavor from the picti. A cheap, commonly consumed alcohol. |
Picti | Pick-Tee | A local type of cacti that grows commonly across Atina Nah. Its leaves can be used for both cooking and for medicinal purposes, and its long needles are sometimes used for sewing. |
Et'nol | Et-Nole | Atinan word for “fiancé”. |
Er | Er | Would loosely translate to “of”, in specific relation to ones lineage. “Er” is the masculine form of the word used exclusive for male Atinans. |
Fah | Fah | Would loosely translate to “of”, in specific relation to ones lineage. “Fah” is the feminine form of the word used exclusive for female Atinans. |