My fantasy novel, The Silver Sea, is set within a fiction medieval-styled world. It tells the story of a young human, Prince Waylen Sundile, who leaves his homeland of Radiah to travel to a distant land. Following the order of his father, the King, Waylen travels to the Kingdom of Atina Nah to attend a very important holiday, The Festival of Founding. The Festival celebrates the founding of the Kingdom of Atina Nah, and despite being allies, no one from Waylen's family has attended it in decades. More than a century ago, the Kingdom of Radiah helped Atina Nah in its founding, but now their friendship has grown cold after years of neglect. This cooling of ties between the two Kingdoms presents Waylen with unexpected challenges, all of which he most overcome if he's to make his father happy, and to make it home alive.

The Kingdom of Atina Nah is a vast desert populated only by tribes of wingless anthropomorphic dragons. To fulfill the request of his father, Waylen has to navigate a strange world of dragons, their language, and their culture, all while trying to do right by his kingdom. As the Festival of Founding slowly approaches, Waylen comes to realize that things are not as they seem within Atina Nah, and that he came to this foreign land grossly ill prepared.

Act 01

Act 02
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